Thursday, January 18, 2007

Empty Room

Room escape game. Your objective is to escape the Empty Room. Sounds easier than it is.

Click here to play


Anonymous said...

Empty Room walkthrough

TL=top left TR=top right BL=bottom left BR=bottom right
1. go west center and take the blue and yellow cubes
2. go east center and put yellow cube in TR
3. go south center and put blue cube in BR
4. go south BR and take green cube and yellow cube and take disc
from under a cup
5. go east TR and take paper piece and red cube from behind the
6. go east center and put yellow cube in TL
7. go east TL and take card from in between the two red books on the
8. go north and put red cube in TL
9. go west and put green cube in BR
10. go west BR and use card with safe and click enter on the safe’s
11. take cube and disc from safe and go to west center and put the
cube in BL
12. go west BL and find the two blue cubes and the yellow cube that
you can take.
13. go south center and put the first blue cube in TR and the second BL
14. go south BL and take the screwdriver
15. go east center and put the yellow cube in BR
16. go east BR and take the key and scissors
17. go north TL and insert “NW” cd, enter
take red cube
18. go north center and put the cube in BL
19. go north BL and take hammer, and yellow cube and disc from
behind poster.
20. unscrew tube and cut wires in side with scissors.
21. go east BR and use hammer on crack twice to get green and red
cube and paper
22. go east center and put yellow cube in BL, click light
23. go east BL and take paper and knife
24. go north center and put red cube in TR
25. go west center and put green cube in TR
26. go west TR and take disc and cut 3 “X”s with scissors
27. go north TR and use “NE” disc and enter
then take red
28. go north center and put cube in BR, click light
29. go north BR take nails off magnet and piece of paper
30. go west center and put green cube in TL, click light
31. go west TL and close book and take cube and paper
32. go south center and put blue cube in TR, click light
33. go south TR and insert “SW” disc, enter
34. go south TL and insert “SE” disc , enter
35. go north, click bottom of screen, unscrew mirror.
36. repeat for all directions
37. go north, click somewhere above light, use nail, then hammer, wire
and mirror.
38. repeat for all directions
39. go north and you win

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