Bloons Players Pack 1 is another puzzle game from Ninja Kiwi. "Move the mouse to aim the arrow, and press and hold the left mouse button to select the power of your throw. Pop the minimum number of bloons to pass each level. Pop special balloons for special effects. Play all 50 levels!" Click here to play
hi, to beat level 4 what i did was first, the two bomb balloons, o pooped them first, then i popped the middle bombs right in front of u. after that i shot at the nails in the heart, then by then u should only have to get 5 more, then i just shot the dart where the top of the heart is and i won. i hope that helps :)
For 33 - you need to get the single ice bloon under the second set of bricks. Then, carefully (without freezing the first set of bloons) bounce your dart off the frozen bloons into the pin bloon. Then get the light sabers which should still be unfrozen.
Does anyone have any tips for level 48? I can get the one bloon that's on top of the monaky but that's it.
how do u beat 44? the title is right, it does look easy! i just don't understand how to do the bottom ones with the laser thing, if you hit the laser the ice bombs go off and you can't get the 2 bottom-est ones!
oh and lvl 48, you need to get the dart to bounce off the top rubber, then the bottom 1, and bounce back up to the 1 in the steel bricks. for the very top balloon, lob a dart up to the left side of the top rubber so it bounces up and hits the top balloon. it took forever, but it eventually all comes together.
i really dont think you can complete lvl 50, i get it down to the middle columns of bloons, the one surrounded by rubber blocks with the 2 mine things at the top. but the odds of getting a dart to break that dirt block and then get in there and hit the pacman thing are about 1 in a billion.
Lvl 1: hit the pin bloon at the bottom, it clears out everything but the one behind you, then with your next arrow hit the last bloon.
lvl 2: keep aiming for pin bloons until you have some stray ones left. then get the boomerangs and finish the rest.
lvl 3: I beat the level by aiming for the bottom left corner of the triangle and then having the dart bounce over the bomb and hit the second and third corners. As long as you hit the bottom two corners before the bomb, you will pass.
lvl 4: first hit the bombs in the middle. then hit the bombs on the bottom (don't hit the ice). then hit any of the pin bloons. the last bloons of the heart should look like this: o o o o o o o o
make an arc to hit all of them but the two on top.
lvl 5: pop the first single mine. (not the couplet)
lvl 6: aim for the top pin bloons and hit one of them. then when the pacman comes up, eat the last normal bloon and then the bomb.
lvl 7: aim to the right while hitting the triple dart. then with the triple dart, aim for the bigger pile on the left.
lvl 8: hit the lightsaber, and then get through the hole and hit the mine.
lvl 9: aim a full power shot through the normal bloons, then a full power shot through the ice bloons.
lvl 10: aim a shot straight up so that it hits the mine and the first wooden block
lvl 11: aim a kind of straight arc so that it hits the first triple dart bloon, but nothing more. There should be two clumps of bloons. aim for the pin clump. you will get the other triple dart as well. then aim for the other clump. If you get 92 or 93, just keep doing it until you pass.
lvl 12: I hate this level. I got it by throwing the darts vertically and getting them column by column. also, you have to hit the 4 in the back to pass, so don't forget that. if you have a better way, then use it.
Lvl 13: start at the right most pin bloon. when pacman appears, go and get the pin up top btwn the bomb and lightsaber. when the second pacman appears, eat the pin, then the frozen lightsaber, then the normal lightsaber.
lvl 14: with your dart, aim at the top pacman, and throw it so that it hits the pins in the back as well. with the top pacman, eat an ice. soon the second pacman will appear, and you will have to eat as many bloons in the "ship" as possible.
lvl 15: with the first dart, throw it over the bomb so it hits the pins and bounces back to hit the bomb. the second throw should hit the light saber, the third hits the boomerang, then throw the boomerang over so it comes back and hits the pile. with your last dart, get the last 2 bloons.
lvl 16: just trial and error. aim straight and keeptrying until the dart bounces into the bloon, or hits the side rubber, then the bottom then the bloon.
lvl 17: hit the first bomb, then the second bomb, then a staight arc to hit all the mines.
lvl 18: for each throw, hit the dart bloon, then make the thrown dart bounce back and hit a normal bloon. after you have no more "reloads" aim a vertical shot to hit as many of the rest as you can.
lvl 19: for each throw, aim for the third rubber block from the center(monkey) you just need the right power, and like lvl 16, just keep trying.
lvl 20: your shot should go through the lightsaber, top left corner and mine bloon first, then come back to hit the top right corner and the third to the left from the same corner on the way down. (sometimes the pin doesn't pop one on the left side, but you can't do anything about that.
lvl 21: the ice bloons make the three paths that you should throw. (Each throw should bounce off the normal bloon).
lvl 22: first, throw the dart through the top gap. the dart should fall in and pop alot of bloons, and also at least four or five on the "stairs". then with your next darthit the bottom wood block, and with the last one go into the passageway to get the remaining bloons.
lvl 23: go one by one clockwise starting from the one right under the monkeyand hit the pin. you should have enough by the time you get to the last one, and if not, aim for a clump of ice bloons.
lvl 24: throw it at the right power, so it hits all of the bloons and doesn't skip any or die out on you.
lvl 25: with the first dart, aim to hit the boomerang, and over the mine, so it bounces back and takes alot of normal bloons from the bottom. then with the boomerang, hit the mine, and make it come back to get more at the bottom. with the last one, bounce it off the wall to get as many as you need.
lvl 26: bounce the dart off the wall so it hits the mine, bounces, then hits the triple, the hits the other mine. with the triple, aim for the clump of normal bloons at the bottom. with the rest of the arrows get whatever stray bloons you need.
lvl 27: with your first throw, hit the two mines and the extra arrow, and let the dart bounce around in the little pit. with the second dart get all of the rest of the bloons in the pit. onlt the frozen lightsaber should be left at the end.
lvl 28: you have to get the perfect power to follow the path of bloons.
lvl 29: with your first throw, go through the pins tin the two leftmost clumps at the top. then go through the clump on the bottom left next to the monkey. with the last throw, go through any remaining clumps to pop the rest.
lvl 30: throw it over the topto hit the middle mine. when the bomb breaks the hole open, hit the pacman and get the rest from the bottom.
lvl 31: throw the lightest throw at the bottom to get the first pit. then a medium one to get the second one, and then a hard one to bounce off the wall into the last one.
lvl 32: aim a straight line right over the left wood and under the right wood. it should hit all of the pins, and leave you with just a few. For me it was 53, and with the next throw, I got my last bloon.
lvl 33: you have a lot of darts. first hit the lone ive at the bottom. next, bounce the dart off of the newly frozen bloons to hit the pin. then with the rest, you just have to hit the two lightsabers.
lvl 34: with the first dart, go through the mine and the bloons on the left. with the second one, hit the lightsaber on the right. then with the rest, bounce the dart to get the ones under the monkey.
lvl 35: you have to be ready for the pacman. hit a powerful shot off the rubbers to hit the mine. right whrn the pacman gets hit, you have to move it to the pin. to finish the level bounce your darts into the ice bloons that look like a lake.
lvl 36: first throw: hit the mines and the extra arrow; with the pacman, eat every bloon in the bottom. Second throw: hit the extra arrow in the back.third throw: hit the bomb on top. fourth throw: hit the boomerang. fifth throw: hit the arrow in the middle top and a bomb in the back. sixth throw: hit the three bloons and the last bomb.
lvl 37: a high vertical-ish throw to go under the ice and hit the bomb. then finish the rest of the bloons you need.
lvl 38: you need to throw it straight up, so it hits the top of the side, falls in, and keeps bouncing straight up and down, in and out, until it hits the third pin.
lvl 39: you have to go through the pins at an angle where the ice bloons are exactly parallel with the dart. the two left most groups get one dart each, but you have to pair two groups together on the right side.
lvl 40: sraight up, full power, so it bounces over every wall to the bloon.
level 41: go through the pins, not the bomb, and land falling into the bottom right bunch with the pin. with the triple, aim so that one of the darts hits the pin in the top left, while the other two bounce off and hit the top right. with the last pin hit the bottom left.
lvl 42: with the first throw, make an arc through the pathway and hit the mine. thenhit the boomerang and the rightmost wooden block. with the boomerang, get all of the bloons in the rectangle. then with the last throw, hit the rubber wall full power, and let it bounce until the bombs.
lvl 43: first throw: hit the five bloons on the right side and let it bounce down and hit all ten bloons in that line. next, a soft throw off the corner of the single block and back down the line of four. then hit the remaining horizontal line.
lvl 44: you have to hit the normal bloon first then the ice. on the bottom one, bounce it off the block, to hit the normal ones, then hit the lightsaber.
lvl45: you need to hit the first pin bloon and make an arc to hit the back pins without hitting the lightsaber.
lvl 46: go through all of the mines, then bounce the dart from the fist and second ones togeter.
I have almost beaten leavel 50.. to get to the balloons in the middle you need to throw the dart as hard as you can through the crack inbetween the two rubber blocks next to you
I have beaten level 50. It took me and my friend a long time before we figured out the trick. For the bloons that are closest to you...shoot through the two bouncies as hard as you can and it will hit them. To break the dirt brick you do the same thing. Remember with the closest pacman you can't hit the ice bloons. When you are trying to reach the farther ones you just have to angle it over everything and it should just naturally hit them. It might take a few tries. We have successfully beaten Bloons Player Pack 1!!!!
How the heck do you beat number 36? After I get the boomerang, there are 3 balloons overhead and those two groups of bombs in the back. I can't reach even 1 bomb with the boomerang! Can someone help me?
it is easy to see how to accomplish lvl 42, i just cant seem to get the boomerang to hit all the balloons in the bottom rectangle. there are always five or six left over. any tips??
1. Aim for the Boomerang. 2. With the Boomerang aim to the group of ballons on top of U. 3. Hit the extra dart and the bomb of the group, that are on top of the black squares on the right side. 4. Hit the droping bombs and hit the extra dart . (eat with the pacman all of the ballons) 5. Aim for the extra dart on the bottom right corner. 6. Go for the last bomb.
here is the good version, thanks to avatardive on yahoo answers !!
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE ANONYMOUS PERSON WHO POSTED THE ALTERNATE WALKTHROUGH TO LEVEL 36!!! I finally got it after around 5 tries using the alternate method.
i cant beat lvl 33....aftr the first light saver pops how do you get the other one. and i cant got the bomb in the middle of the frozen one plz help i dont get the walkthrough to it
Level 48: Omg so HARD. I'll try to make this as non-confusing as possible. First, get the one in the middle of the steel . Put the bottom line of your cursor( if its a hand) exactly on the bottom line of the bouncy block onthe top. use about as much power as the corner edge of the end steel block, and it should bounce on the bottom bounceblock, and into the bloon. Then, for the one right below you, place the cursor so its bottom line is on the bottom line on the block again, but this time on the bottom left corner and use a lot of force. For the top one, just place the cursor a bit to the left of the bounce block, and use about 25% force. Hope this helps!
Level 49: Place your arrow so its slanted to the right so that the monkeys hand is just barely past its first eye. Then use a small bit of force, so that the arrow arcs and hits both the pin and the lightsaber,without touching the icebloons and without missing the single bloon inbetween the two. You have to do that in one shot. Then, hit the remaining pin bloon in your next shot. : )
50. TRICKY TRICKY TRICKY! At least you DO have 9 darts. Okay, with the first one, aim it VERY SLIGHTLY too the right, so the monkeys hand is almost about to cover its left eye,and use full power, so you will hopefully get the bloons along the top and then the left wooden block on the bottom. If you follow that, it should happen.
Next, do the exact same shot, slanted maybe A REALLY TINY bit more, and with the same amount of force, and it should go down and hit one of the pins on the leftmost clump, demolishing all the bloons there.
Then, This gets pretty hard, tilt the arrow as FAR as you can right,with it still flying over, with as much force as possible, so that it bounces far enough to hit the bouncy block thats surrounded by icebloons, fall off and bounce along the bottom bounce blocks, and then eventually hitting the mine, either just hitting the wooden blocks or maybe some bloons too.
DON'T MOVE YOUR MOUSE! now, fire the EXACT same shot, it should get the pin bloons at the bottom, triggering a pacman. Move as fast as you can left and upwards, getting all the bloons andthen hitting the bomb.
Now, fire right, up a slight bit, into the wall, it should go through and hit the wooden block blocking off the middle section. Now, fire again, you should get the pacman, so get all the bloons, except the icebloons. Now you'll hvae only one bloon left. Hit an ice bloon surrounding the black block, and you should pass. : )
I need to see a visual movie on how to beat level 41....I can't get enought arch on my first shot to hit the triple dart and the pin at the bottom right....HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I havent finished Level 50 yet but have worked out a way to get to the middle column without haveing to get inside of the other ones. aim your arrow through the small gap in between the bottom row of black bouncy blocks and the row above (the ones directly on the monkey's right side). if you get the right angle on the arrow it will go through and break the brown block. do the exact same thing and it will hit the pac man. i'm not done yet but if i'm right then do not eat the ice or the mines as they will cause the bloons in the column to the right to freeze as well. good luck
woooh just finished it and yeah, like i said before, it is best not to get the ice and the mines because it doesnt freeze it. i think that the gap betweent the black blocks closes after you have done two successful shots through it but im not sure it might just be me. good luck again
if all of you folks go to new game, and press unlimited dart mode, you can beat all levels, if not, many of them will become much more easy for you, and you are getting to know the tricks to beat the level without unlimited darts mode too!
on lvl 50 you can shoot a dart between the 1st and 2nd black rubber blocks on the bottom you just have to keep aiming until it goes through and then you can get the blocks in the middle but i still cant get the other columns on the far right side
i CANNOT beat lvl 4! i'm such a loser! HELP ME!
omgshh way harder that the other 1s
arrr so frustrating
how do you beat level 33 - full clip? i've been stuck on it forever.
i need help on level 13
omg level 13 is impossible. Ineed help from anybody on it. Knowing where to start is imposssible because the ice balloons get in the way.
hi, to beat level 4 what i did was first, the two bomb balloons, o pooped them first, then i popped the middle bombs right in front of u. after that i shot at the nails in the heart, then by then u should only have to get 5 more, then i just shot the dart where the top of the heart is and i won. i hope that helps :)
sorry i spelt popped wrong haha *popped
Really, 33 is hard to beat
i cant beat 48 i need help
HELP ON 33!!!
yeah, some help on 33 would be welcome
NEED HELP ON 33!!!!!!!!!
For 33 - you need to get the single ice bloon under the second set of bricks. Then, carefully (without freezing the first set of bloons) bounce your dart off the frozen bloons into the pin bloon. Then get the light sabers which should still be unfrozen.
Does anyone have any tips for level 48? I can get the one bloon that's on top of the monaky but that's it.
u can only obtain 50 in level 4
so u first shoot the middle bombs
then shot the needle
after you have 2 arrows left
you shoot some lefovers from the heart using 1 arrow
then this is the hard part
shoot the bottom 2 bombs
without touching the iced balloon
and there u go
u have 50
does anyone know how to beat level 8
how do u beat 44? the title is right, it does look easy! i just don't understand how to do the bottom ones with the laser thing, if you hit the laser the ice bombs go off and you can't get the 2 bottom-est ones!
level 10? i hit the balloon at the top but it doesnt go all the way down and hit the i have no clue!!
anyone know if lvl 50 is even possible? i really dont think it is haha
oh and lvl 48, you need to get the dart to bounce off the top rubber, then the bottom 1, and bounce back up to the 1 in the steel bricks. for the very top balloon, lob a dart up to the left side of the top rubber so it bounces up and hits the top balloon. it took forever, but it eventually all comes together.
i need level 6 please
how do you beat level 50!!!
me too level 50 is bloody hard
i really dont think you can complete lvl 50, i get it down to the middle columns of bloons, the one surrounded by rubber blocks with the 2 mine things at the top. but the odds of getting a dart to break that dirt block and then get in there and hit the pacman thing are about 1 in a billion.
level 8 please!
level 9.. and happy 4th of july
hey level 10 is messing up im 1 away and it says try again..
level 44 - the bottom 2, you can get a ricochet off the rubber.
walkthrough lvl 1-46
Lvl 1: hit the pin bloon at the bottom, it clears out everything but the one behind you, then with your next arrow hit the last bloon.
lvl 2: keep aiming for pin bloons until you have some stray ones left. then get the boomerangs and finish the rest.
lvl 3: I beat the level by aiming for the bottom left corner of the triangle and then having the dart bounce over the bomb and hit the second and third corners. As long as you hit the bottom two corners before the bomb, you will pass.
lvl 4: first hit the bombs in the middle. then hit the bombs on the bottom (don't hit the ice). then hit any of the pin bloons. the last bloons of the heart should look like this:
o o
o o o o
o o
make an arc to hit all of them but the two on top.
lvl 5: pop the first single mine. (not the couplet)
lvl 6: aim for the top pin bloons and hit one of them. then when the pacman comes up, eat the last normal bloon and then the bomb.
lvl 7: aim to the right while hitting the triple dart. then with the triple dart, aim for the bigger pile on the left.
lvl 8: hit the lightsaber, and then get through the hole and hit the mine.
lvl 9: aim a full power shot through the normal bloons, then a full power shot through the ice bloons.
lvl 10: aim a shot straight up so that it hits the mine and the first wooden block
lvl 11: aim a kind of straight arc so that it hits the first triple dart bloon, but nothing more. There should be two clumps of bloons. aim for the pin clump. you will get the other triple dart as well. then aim for the other clump.
If you get 92 or 93, just keep doing it until you pass.
lvl 12: I hate this level. I got it by throwing the darts vertically and getting them column by column. also, you have to hit the 4 in the back to pass, so don't forget that. if you have a better way, then use it.
Lvl 13: start at the right most pin bloon. when pacman appears, go and get the pin up top btwn the bomb and lightsaber. when the second pacman appears, eat the pin, then the frozen lightsaber, then the normal lightsaber.
lvl 14: with your dart, aim at the top pacman, and throw it so that it hits the pins in the back as well. with the top pacman, eat an ice. soon the second pacman will appear, and you will have to eat as many bloons in the "ship" as possible.
lvl 15: with the first dart, throw it over the bomb so it hits the pins and bounces back to hit the bomb. the second throw should hit the light saber, the third hits the boomerang, then throw the boomerang over so it comes back and hits the pile. with your last dart, get the last 2 bloons.
lvl 16: just trial and error. aim straight and keeptrying until the dart bounces into the bloon, or hits the side rubber, then the bottom then the bloon.
lvl 17: hit the first bomb, then the second bomb, then a staight arc to hit all the mines.
lvl 18: for each throw, hit the dart bloon, then make the thrown dart bounce back and hit a normal bloon. after you have no more "reloads" aim a vertical shot to hit as many of the rest as you can.
lvl 19: for each throw, aim for the third rubber block from the center(monkey) you just need the right power, and like lvl 16, just keep trying.
lvl 20: your shot should go through the lightsaber, top left corner and mine bloon first, then come back to hit the top right corner and the third to the left from the same corner on the way down. (sometimes the pin doesn't pop one on the left side, but you can't do anything about that.
lvl 21: the ice bloons make the three paths that you should throw. (Each throw should bounce off the normal bloon).
lvl 22: first, throw the dart through the top gap. the dart should fall in and pop alot of bloons, and also at least four or five on the "stairs". then with your next darthit the bottom wood block, and with the last one go into the passageway to get the remaining bloons.
lvl 23: go one by one clockwise starting from the one right under the monkeyand hit the pin. you should have enough by the time you get to the last one, and if not, aim for a clump of ice bloons.
lvl 24: throw it at the right power, so it hits all of the bloons and doesn't skip any or die out on you.
lvl 25: with the first dart, aim to hit the boomerang, and over the mine, so it bounces back and takes alot of normal bloons from the bottom. then with the boomerang, hit the mine, and make it come back to get more at the bottom. with the last one, bounce it off the wall to get as many as you need.
lvl 26: bounce the dart off the wall so it hits the mine, bounces, then hits the triple, the hits the other mine. with the triple, aim for the clump of normal bloons at the bottom. with the rest of the arrows get whatever stray bloons you need.
lvl 27: with your first throw, hit the two mines and the extra arrow, and let the dart bounce around in the little pit. with the second dart get all of the rest of the bloons in the pit. onlt the frozen lightsaber should be left at the end.
lvl 28: you have to get the perfect power to follow the path of bloons.
lvl 29: with your first throw, go through the pins tin the two leftmost clumps at the top. then go through the clump on the bottom left next to the monkey. with the last throw, go through any remaining clumps to pop the rest.
lvl 30: throw it over the topto hit the middle mine. when the bomb breaks the hole open, hit the pacman and get the rest from the bottom.
lvl 31: throw the lightest throw at the bottom to get the first pit. then a medium one to get the second one, and then a hard one to bounce off the wall into the last one.
lvl 32: aim a straight line right over the left wood and under the right wood. it should hit all of the pins, and leave you with just a few. For me it was 53, and with the next throw, I got my last bloon.
lvl 33: you have a lot of darts. first hit the lone ive at the bottom. next, bounce the dart off of the newly frozen bloons to hit the pin. then with the rest, you just have to hit the two lightsabers.
lvl 34: with the first dart, go through the mine and the bloons on the left. with the second one, hit the lightsaber on the right. then with the rest, bounce the dart to get the ones under the monkey.
lvl 35: you have to be ready for the pacman. hit a powerful shot off the rubbers to hit the mine. right whrn the pacman gets hit, you have to move it to the pin. to finish the level bounce your darts into the ice bloons that look like a lake.
lvl 36: first throw: hit the mines and the extra arrow; with the pacman, eat every bloon in the bottom. Second throw: hit the extra arrow in the back.third throw: hit the bomb on top. fourth throw: hit the boomerang. fifth throw: hit the arrow in the middle top and a bomb in the back. sixth throw: hit the three bloons and the last bomb.
lvl 37: a high vertical-ish throw to go under the ice and hit the bomb. then finish the rest of the bloons you need.
lvl 38: you need to throw it straight up, so it hits the top of the side, falls in, and keeps bouncing straight up and down, in and out, until it hits the third pin.
lvl 39: you have to go through the pins at an angle where the ice bloons are exactly parallel with the dart. the two left most groups get one dart each, but you have to pair two groups together on the right side.
lvl 40: sraight up, full power, so it bounces over every wall to the bloon.
level 41: go through the pins, not the bomb, and land falling into the bottom right bunch with the pin. with the triple, aim so that one of the darts hits the pin in the top left, while the other two bounce off and hit the top right. with the last pin hit the bottom left.
lvl 42: with the first throw, make an arc through the pathway and hit the mine. thenhit the boomerang and the rightmost wooden block. with the boomerang, get all of the bloons in the rectangle. then with the last throw, hit the rubber wall full power, and let it bounce until the bombs.
lvl 43: first throw: hit the five bloons on the right side and let it bounce down and hit all ten bloons in that line. next, a soft throw off the corner of the single block and back down the line of four. then hit the remaining horizontal line.
lvl 44: you have to hit the normal bloon first then the ice. on the bottom one, bounce it off the block, to hit the normal ones, then hit the lightsaber.
lvl45: you need to hit the first pin bloon and make an arc to hit the back pins without hitting the lightsaber.
lvl 46: go through all of the mines, then bounce the dart from the fist and second ones togeter.
how the heck are u supposed to get past lvl 50!!!!!!11
how do you beat 30 plz help ITS CONFUSING
I have almost beaten leavel 50.. to get to the balloons in the middle you need to throw the dart as hard as you can through the crack inbetween the two rubber blocks next to you
I have beaten level 50. It took me and my friend a long time before we figured out the trick. For the bloons that are closest to you...shoot through the two bouncies as hard as you can and it will hit them. To break the dirt brick you do the same thing. Remember with the closest pacman you can't hit the ice bloons. When you are trying to reach the farther ones you just have to angle it over everything and it should just naturally hit them. It might take a few tries. We have successfully beaten Bloons Player Pack 1!!!!
omg,lvl 26 is well hard
i need 47
I completed the entire game :P
I NEED HELP ON 47!!!!!!
wow 36 always seems to stump me, even with the walkthrough
cant fricken get past 21!!! that little advice didnt work, frozen balloons make the path? WTF does that mean? you cant hit them or itll freeze em!
How the heck do you beat number 36? After I get the boomerang, there are 3 balloons overhead and those two groups of bombs in the back. I can't reach even 1 bomb with the boomerang! Can someone help me?
I need help with 49!
how do you beat lvl 33 ???? its called full clip
plz help!
email me-,
it is easy to see how to accomplish lvl 42, i just cant seem to get the boomerang to hit all the balloons in the bottom rectangle. there are always five or six left over. any tips??
For level 36, how to you hit a bomb with the boomerang-and which bomb are you trying to hit? the top one or the bottom one?
I need help on level 36. PLEASE HELP!
level 36 is impossible!!!!!!!!!
how do u beat lvl 33 full clip its the hardest lvl in the game
and this level 36 walktrough is wrong...
1. Aim for the Boomerang.
2. With the Boomerang aim to the group of ballons on top of U.
3. Hit the extra dart and the bomb of the group, that are on top of the black squares on the right side.
4. Hit the droping bombs and hit the extra dart . (eat with the pacman all of the ballons)
5. Aim for the extra dart on the bottom right corner.
6. Go for the last bomb.
here is the good version, thanks to avatardive on yahoo answers !!
I can't get level 47
i need so much help on level 12 how dod i do it please help i need it lol
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE ANONYMOUS PERSON WHO POSTED THE ALTERNATE WALKTHROUGH TO LEVEL 36!!! I finally got it after around 5 tries using the alternate method.
i can not beat lvl 50!
hehe :) that was me for level 36,
ure welcome man !!
glad i could help
yeah, i cant seem to get all of the bloons with the boomerang on level!!
how do you do level 33?
nevermind i finally got it
i need help on level 49
i need help on level 50...i seen the other walkthrough..but it deosnt make sense..can someone gimme some tips please
Wow, whoever posted the walkthrough up to lvl 46 is a loser with way to much time on his hands.. get some friends :P lol
And yeah i cant get past lvl 33, its pissing me off cuz i beat the other bloons in like 20 mins each.
48 is so impossible... im sick of it someone please help
OMG! level 44 is crazy!! someone help me please!!!! HELP!!!!!!
i cant beat lvl 33....aftr the first light saver pops how do you get the other one. and i cant got the bomb in the middle of the frozen one plz help i dont get the walkthrough to it
hey i cant beat level 39 its hard as crap
I cant beat leval 50..... i cant get into that little hole.
Level 48: Omg so HARD. I'll try to make this as non-confusing as possible. First, get the one in the middle of the steel . Put the bottom line of your cursor( if its a hand) exactly on the bottom line of the bouncy block onthe top. use about as much power as the corner edge of the end steel block, and it should bounce on the bottom bounceblock, and into the bloon. Then, for the one right below you, place the cursor so its bottom line is on the bottom line on the block again, but this time on the bottom left corner and use a lot of force. For the top one, just place the cursor a bit to the left of the bounce block, and use about 25% force. Hope this helps!
Level 49: Place your arrow so its slanted to the right so that the monkeys hand is just barely past its first eye. Then use a small bit of force, so that the arrow arcs and hits both the pin and the lightsaber,without touching the icebloons and without missing the single bloon inbetween the two. You have to do that in one shot. Then, hit the remaining pin bloon in your next shot. : )
50. TRICKY TRICKY TRICKY! At least you DO have 9 darts. Okay, with the first one, aim it VERY SLIGHTLY too the right, so the monkeys hand is almost about to cover its left eye,and use full power, so you will hopefully get the bloons along the top and then the left wooden block on the bottom. If you follow that, it should happen.
Next, do the exact same shot, slanted maybe A REALLY TINY bit more, and with the same amount of force, and it should go down and hit one of the pins on the leftmost clump, demolishing all the bloons there.
Then, This gets pretty hard, tilt the arrow as FAR as you can right,with it still flying over, with as much force as possible, so that it bounces far enough to hit the bouncy block thats surrounded by icebloons, fall off and bounce along the bottom bounce blocks, and then eventually hitting the mine, either just hitting the wooden blocks or maybe some bloons too.
DON'T MOVE YOUR MOUSE! now, fire the EXACT same shot, it should get the pin bloons at the bottom, triggering a pacman. Move as fast as you can left and upwards, getting all the bloons andthen hitting the bomb.
Now, fire right, up a slight bit, into the wall, it should go through and hit the wooden block blocking off the middle section. Now, fire again, you should get the pacman, so get all the bloons, except the icebloons.
Now you'll hvae only one bloon left.
Hit an ice bloon surrounding the black block, and you should pass. : )
level 46...i am missing something. that walktrough is crap.
anyone played level 50? soooooo difficult... help please!!!!!!
level 47:
Hit the mine on your first shot, do not hit the light saber!
Use the pacman to munch the boomerang row, the row under the boomerang, and finish by munching the bomb.
Use the boomerang (full power works well) to shoot the lower pink pin balloon and the remaining two rows of balloons after it.
Finish by shooting the light saber.
I need to see a visual movie on how to beat level 41....I can't get enought arch on my first shot to hit the triple dart and the pin at the bottom right....HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I havent finished Level 50 yet but have worked out a way to get to the middle column without haveing to get inside of the other ones. aim your arrow through the small gap in between the bottom row of black bouncy blocks and the row above (the ones directly on the monkey's right side). if you get the right angle on the arrow it will go through and break the brown block. do the exact same thing and it will hit the pac man. i'm not done yet but if i'm right then do not eat the ice or the mines as they will cause the bloons in the column to the right to freeze as well. good luck
woooh just finished it and yeah, like i said before, it is best not to get the ice and the mines because it doesnt freeze it. i think that the gap betweent the black blocks closes after you have done two successful shots through it but im not sure it might just be me. good luck again
OMFG how the hech am i supposed to beat leval 47?!?!?!
if all of you folks go to new game, and press unlimited dart mode, you can beat all levels, if not, many of them will become much more easy for you, and you are getting to know the tricks to beat the level without unlimited darts mode too!
what is up with level 28? how did you ppl do it?
I'm about to hunt down whoever made level 42 and stab them to death. It's impossible
i beat the game its soooooo easy
soooo hard
i cant beat ne level
I have tried for so long, and i cant beat level 24, someone pleeeeaase help me!!!
Ha! I beat it!!
level 38 is so hard is there any advise plz
on lvl 50 you can shoot a dart between the 1st and 2nd black rubber blocks on the bottom you just have to keep aiming until it goes through and then you can get the blocks in the middle but i still cant get the other columns on the far right side
i just realized you can have unlimited pins@!!
i need help wit Level 47 !!
iTz Anoyin ! Please Sum1 :)
How do ya get into the bouncy things on level 8?
LEVEL 8?????????????????
Never mind I got it!
How doyou do level 13 !? HELP.
level 31???
10!!!! Baaahhs!!! Helpskiiez please!!
how do you beat level 26
level 39 Dx
48 any one ??
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