Silent Hill: Room 304 is new point and click adventure game from Newgrounds. A lost soul searching for answers. A desperate man screaming for help. A haunted town full of secrets. Welcome to Silent Hill.

Silent Hill: Room 304 Walkthrough
• Make your way through the woods
• Enter the apartment building
• Take the key from the basement (attached to the wire)
• Unlock the locked door and enter the room
• Talk to Adrian
• Leave the room and enter room 306
• Retrieve the key from the hole in the wall
• Unlock the school front door and enter
• Go to the bathroom
• Pick up the key from the toilet
• Unlock and enter the principal's office
• Click the computer monitor
• Press ? = : @
• Choose archive and then 2005.02.17
- Press "next cam", until you reach the toilet footage and watch.
• Leave the school
• Go talk to Adrian
• Click the lower right bush next to the crossroads in the woods to get the key
• Unlock and enter the cabin
• Go to the attic and click the safe
• Press 3 5 1 9 (CEAI - letters from the paper in the motel)
• Get the cassette tape and go to the kitchen
• Click the cassette deck
• Return to room 304 and click the door
Silent Hill: Room 304 Walkthrough
• Make your way through the woods
• Enter the apartment building
• Take the key from the basement (attached to the wire)
• Unlock the locked door and enter the room
• Talk to Adrian
• Leave the room and enter room 306
• Retrieve the key from the hole in the wall
• Unlock the school front door and enter
• Go to the bathroom
• Pick up the key from the toilet
• Unlock and enter the principal's office
• Click the computer monitor
• Press ? = : @
• Choose archive and then 2005.02.17
- Press "next cam", until you reach the toilet footage and watch.
• Leave the school
• Go talk to Adrian
• Click the lower right bush next to the crossroads in the woods to get the key
• Unlock and enter the cabin
• Go to the attic and click the safe
• Press 3 5 1 9 (CEAI - letters from the paper in the motel)
• Get the cassette tape and go to the kitchen
• Click the cassette deck
• Return to room 304 and click the door
that creature S**ted me up :O
This is the worst came.
that is wierd
I can't find the key from the crossroads
you're right, the woman on the pc scared the shit out of me!
I can't find the key... someone can help me??
Anonymous said...
you're right, the woman on the pc scared the shit out of me!
August 18, 2010 2:40:00 AM PDT
You should go to the bathroom after that pc scene... and just wait... ;)
i went back to the bathroom after the pc scene and yea... lol so funny
Correction: "Click the lower right bush next to the crossroads in the woods to get the key"
the code is not working
omg! i made it through without the walkthrough but when i got to the safe i couldnt find the code! lmao i dided cuz the bathroom with that one scared the shit out meh
HOLY GOD WHEN I WAS ALMosT DONE WITH THE GAME AND WHEN I WENT TO THE HALLWAYS OF THE APARTMENT THE MONSTER SCARED SO FREAKIN MUCH LOL!!! the dead lady freaked me out. i was expecting it to pop up. the think in the tape too scared me. this is so sad but has for some reason a kick as storyline. ive seen a movie sorta like this before when the guy found out that he had killed people and he was crazy. this game was scary and sad and awesome. i love the silent hill series and this was a great little addition. thnx for the walkthrough it helped a lot. :)
in the walkthrough why didnt they tell you about the freaky people cause i nearly shit my self !!!!! :)
Fraggin' heck! This game nearly gave me a heart attck! XD
when that thing came up in the hallway i ducked and whispered"i hate you people"i dont even want to play anymore cuz im scared
damn, after i saw the monster from the apartment, i was like,,, O.o , i was shuted up by that monster and after that,, my legs were shaking alot and i almost got a heart attack,, damn
Finished the game but scared me so much!!!
omg that was fun!!
Wow those pop ups scared the shiat out of me. I think that was just rude to the player :(D
what is in the bathroom? anyway??
WHERE THE HELL IS THE KEY IN THE WOODS? Lol, I keep looking for this "lower right bush", and, call me stupid, but I just can't find it!
that was unreal:')
this game is kinda scary but i like it its hella fun :)
O.O wtf was that????
I am so scaried....
whats in the bthroom
One thing sound weird.. What is the relationship of the cam record and adrian?? O.O||
I can't get the archive footage to play...
i feel so old posting this in 2014 lol but that monster in the hallway tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scared the crap out of me D:
I can't find the key in the woods! HELP ME. I have been looking for it for literally 6 hours XD
never sleeping again
That was so sad. I almost cried. It shows that you don't see your self as the person that commits the crimes, only the person that helps.
this is the worst game i've ever played. LAME END
can't find the key in the woods? go back to Adrian until he tells you where it is. I did not go back to the bathroom, what the heck happened there?
lol only one from 2015
omg. that was so scaryyyy
from where i can fin his mad man family ...?
where the cross road is?
i can't find the cassette deck D:
Really .. I kinda didn't understand a thing here .. So , who's that guy talking to Adrian in the room ? Like wth ? Who's it ?
That dead person at the end scared me so much, I almost had a heart attack. That was so unexpected. Yikes.
that shit was crazy
in order to find that key go to the crossroads and push all the bushes you are bound to find it
That was scary
That was scary
Ths game is wierd
I think in the bathroom somebody had a lot of chipotle and had bloody diarrhea.
I cant find the key in the crossroads!!!!
the demon in the hallway is the best
i'm the only one in 2019?
This game tho. I had no idea wut 2 do, but now I do thx to this website!
I almost shit my pants lol
That was sad
don't play this in public, im at the library and im scared shitless now
Something so nostalgic about playing these old flash games. Even with the tech and graphics of today....I honestly crapped a new hole after those scare scenes lol. Thanks for the walk through wouldn't have managed without it(if ever you see this all these years later lol)
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