You've to enter the human gateway in the great temple of shadow, and defeat all the warriors to complete your training. In this massive RPG you've the option to upgrade your skills and weapons before fighting against the next powerful warrior. Buy new weapons and health potions using the gold that you earned. Remember that your life and mana drops if you run out of energy.
To complete the game, finish all the challenging 20 levels of the human portal, and walk out of the front door. Good Luck warrior... Move around using the Arrow Keys and enter portals or interact with other characters using the Space Bar. When you're in the human gateway, Left Click the buttons on the panel at the bottom to attack or use other options.
i now a cheat go in portal lvl 6 and die then at the last moment attack the enemy and will get 99999999999999999 gold
C.Q.C RULEs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easy experience: go to the practise room. Pick whatever lvl you want.When it si your turn right click the page and click back. Do this untill oyou reach the oponent you want. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS DURING YOUR OPPENTS TURN!!! IT WILL FREEZE AND YOU WILL HAVE TO QUIT THE GAME! ALSO: DONT HIT REWIND!!! IT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE START MENU!!!
EASY EXP: in practise room: during batle: your turn: right click: choose back: repeat this untill oyu reach your opponent of choice: DONT HIT REWIND: DONT ATTEMPT DURING OPPONENTS TURN
C.Q.C. is the best place that was evr created
what is cqc?
what is C.Q.C?
go in easy training and right click then left click forward.repeat 3 more times.useful but wierd
Close Quarters Combat
your welcome
i got one i just found out. go to the training room or whatever its called. put it on hard. before you get hit, right-click and press foward until it shows the black screen. press it again and you'll get easy gold and money. then right-click and press back twice then press foward twice to keep adding gold and exp. points.
i know a cheat go to the top of the buildin and go left twice u will see a guy sittin crosslegs got to him press space then goriht twice u will see a moon go to the moon and press space u will get an extra skill point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but when I right click the only thing that comes up is a window giving two options: "Preferences" and "About Adobe Flash Player"! Are you guys talking about the online free flash version or some other version?
theres is an easier way to lvl up. first u do the "right click" thing until u reach a shadow reaper. if u kill it u get good 4 u. if u die right click back until u reach the page where u get xp. u will get 700xp and some money. also if u lvl up, hit continue and chose a stat u want to lvl up, hit continue again and use a skill point. then hit right click back until u reach the page were u get xp. the reamaining xp u should have gotten will double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another cool cheat is if you go in any portal and use the right click- forward glitch then you can cycle through the enemies. you can use this cheat to fight a shadow reaper as a level 1 :D
hey here is one to get you into the dark rift. go into the room with the medetaiting dude and then right click and press forward and there you are
i play the 1 on armr games nit only say settings n about adobe flash player 9 where u guys play
Save your skill point to get lvl 10 skill 'Avenger'. It gives you 10 times more strike points than is your health loss. Just go to the training room and let the machine almost kill you. You are going to strike your enemies with more than 1.000 strike points!! Don't forget to arm with good shield, because you're very vulnerable. Use the rest of your skill points to get lvl 15 skill 'shadow replicate'. I've managed to defeat all enemies, but then nothing happened. I was expecting something like 'boss level'... Can you tell me, is there any secret passage or how to get to final level?
Dude u guys have no idea what a cheat is called like ok first go to meno hwo gives u the moon ring then go at the moon u get a extra skillpont then go save the game refresh start a new game die then load the first game then go get the ring again u get a extra skillpoint repeat again and again u get alot of skillpoints
right click and put forward
go on google and type shadow of the warrior then click on the first one anonymous then u can do the right click cheat
Hey i need help.when i right click it dose not say forward.but when i right click off the game screen it says it but it is shaded. SOS please help.
thanks for every thing guys.
I found a better way.Right click and press F on your keyboard(so you won't press back or anything else.Keep on doing it until your screen is black.Than do it one more time after it turns black.This tick works on any guy (I beat the whole game like this).Have fun and MERRY X-MAS.:);)
Dude,thanks a lot.:);)
ok soo all these people say to click back in the training room.. but if you go to the training room and on your turn click forward it will bring up a monster then click forward another 3 times and the right will automatically be over and you will have your experiance
At the beginning room, do the forward thing until you get to the room that only people who have beaten the human gateway can get to.
hold on, how do you do the moon thing? what do you mean, "go right two times"? Do u still have to have the ring? Cause I think I threw it away...
ok, most of these cheats take away from the game. The first time I tried it, I beat both of the portals without ever actually fighting. No fun, right? Go to training as a level 1, click on hard. Wait until its your turn, then right-click. Now left-click on "back". do this until you reach the shadow reaper--i think it's three or four times. It'll kill you easily, then the game will go to the page that says Defeat. Right-click again, left-click on back and do that until you get to the page where you level up. Hit continue Keep right-clicking and clicking back until you've leveled up as many times as you can--it's past level ten. Then check out your skills--you have like 16 skill points!
TRY mofunzone.com for the game
go 2 training place, choose any lvl (i use hardest) then just do the right click thingy. at the end, it will go all black. just do forward again and yay, free exp =]
when i use the right click thingy it takes me out of the game and then i have to restart what do i do???? SOS
the right click and forward don't work for me I try to do it but when I right click my options are setting and my flash player please tell me why thankyou
do that skip like 10 times and you will have 1000+ money
Lets say your injured/low on HP mana (need charge[mana gain] or heal[HP gain] go to the training room. Pick easy difficulty and then enter. Now, while the training thing is doing w/e, cast charge and heal. Rather than spending money or risking more damage dealt to you, you will gain both HP and mana with very minimal damage. Once your full HP/Mana, leave. you lose no energy.
got where the guy that has herb is. then right click and pres f until your in the room where theres a woman in green (the library) talk to guy with herb, full your inventory with herb, and then talk to the woman (its just in front of the guy(there in the same room too)and lastly sell the medicine to the guy and there u have it easy money.
why are there only 5 of us?
hey everybody this is easy gold u dont get so much but its fast. first u go where the guy with the herbs then forward and forward until your in the library last talk to the guy, full your inventory with herbs and talk to the girl and sell it to the guy.do that again and again and walla u got gold.
do you have any cheats for people who already beat the game?
what is right click?
I've heard of one that you do by altering the .sol file, I personally think it's too much trouble, the one I use is the "right click" one. to gain powerful items and valuable exp, go to any fight, and right click. There will be a Forward option, click it. Keep clicking it until you reach two wasps, one of which will be called "Other Thing." Click it once more and you will see the screen go dark, this is good. It means that if you click it one more time, you will INSTANTLY WIN THE FIGHT. This always gives a mere 75 Exp, but if you are just starting the game this will make it incredibly easy to gain levels, plus, after a few times you get "Fallen Shield" and "Fallen Sword" items that are ONLY accessible at the end of the game, in the hardest portal!
If you cant beat a level but you want to pass it or just want to finish the game quickly when it's your turn to attack right click then click back (or "b" on your keyboard) then keep clicking till you go to something you can defeat easy and kill it. It's going to be as if you defeated the one you were supposed to fight.
i dont get your right click then go to shadow reaper dont u have lv to go there?
I know 3 cheats if enyone is intrested.
i am
is this cheats for sinjid shadow of the warrior? couse only cheat f\that works for me is Extra skill piont -.-
and what is shadow reaper!!!!
dos anyone now a money cheat? couse i need money -.- :D xD :P =) xD , and a stregnt cheat or something :p
givememore=money cheat
thebestdress 1000hp
asfastasfastcanbe=speed cheat
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