-Get the map next to the table leg. -Go left once. -Remove the tile that is 1 tile left and 3 tiles down from the leftmost white circle (lamp?). -Click the wheel and you get a key. Take the key. -Go right twice, back once, left twice and forward once. -Select the key in Items and use it on the door to the left, then go left. -Click the tubes on the table. -Fill the tubes so they add up to 69, with 5 10's, 3 5's and 4 1's. The other -way of doing it with 4 10's, 5 5's and 4 1's doesn't seem to work. Then click --Enter and take the key. -Go right twice. -Move the pillow at the front away and take the book. -Go left once and back twice. -Click the note on the table and it will say that someone lost their book. -Go right once. -Move the towel at the front and take the vitamins. -Go left once, forward once and right four times. -Take the note at the table in the back. -Click the salt and pepper on the table in the front for a note that says that there is a loose floor tile that needs to be fixed. -Go left twice, forward once and left once. -Use the key on the drawer between the beds. -Go right once, forward once and left once. -Select the book in Items and remember the number on the back of the first page. It changes with each game. -Put that number into the safe, click Enter and take the paper in the safe. -Go right once, back twice and right twice. -Take the vinegar bottle beneath the middle table. -Go left once. -Remove the bowl on the front table and take the screwdriver. -Go right once and forward three times. -Take the bottle with the green lid on the table in the middle, it's see through, so it's kinda hard to see but it's just beneath the box on the table behind it. -Select the bottle in Items, then select the vinegar, click on the large picture of the vinegar and click on the bottle in Items, NOT the large picture of the bottle that comes up when you select it. Then select the vitamins, click on the large picture of the vitamins, and on the bottle in Items. Now a blue liquid is in the bottle. -Go back once, click the large picture of the bottle and click the stain on the floor. This reveals a key and a pattern. Take the key and remember the pattern. Close the large picture of the bottle. -Go back three times and left three times. -Select the key in Items and click on the case on the wall. -Now that the case is unlocked click on the control panel for a closeup. -Now it is time to remember the pattern. It is a hint for how to set the sliders. But if you can't remember it, click the left slider once, the second slider from the left twice, and the slider on the right once and you'll hear a chime. You can also do this with the small picture of the case instead. -Go right twice. -Now it's time to play some music. Click the piano, then select the piece of paper from Items. -The note sheet tells you what keys to play on the piano. The keys are in order E, C, F, D. Or counting the white keys, with the first key being the one under the S in Steinway, 7, 5, 8, 6. You will be told that a new area has been unlocked. -Go left once and forward three times. -Select the book in Items, remember the number on the back of the second page, put it into the safe, click Enter and take the paper. -Go back three times. -Select the screwdriver from Items and click on the part of the wooden floor that seems a bit darker than the rest, then move the floor tile away. -Select the book in Items, remember the number on the back of the third page, put it into the safe, click Enter and take the paper. -Go left three times. -Now it's time for some math. Select the book in Items, go through the four papers and add up the numbers on the back of them. Now put that number in beneath the symbols on the whiteboard, and click the big Enter button. -Pick up the red gem. -Go right once and forward once. -Select the red gem from Items, and put it between the grey boxes on the right wall. -Go forward once. -And you've escaped! Congratulations! Now take a look at the bar on the top of the game that tells you how long you've spent on escaping.
Super Sneaky Spy Guy 10 - SSSG 11 Walkthrough:
-Get the map next to the table leg.
-Go left once.
-Remove the tile that is 1 tile left and 3 tiles down from the leftmost white circle (lamp?).
-Click the wheel and you get a key. Take the key.
-Go right twice, back once, left twice and forward once.
-Select the key in Items and use it on the door to the left, then go left.
-Click the tubes on the table.
-Fill the tubes so they add up to 69, with 5 10's, 3 5's and 4 1's. The other -way of doing it with 4 10's, 5 5's and 4 1's doesn't seem to work. Then click --Enter and take the key.
-Go right twice.
-Move the pillow at the front away and take the book.
-Go left once and back twice.
-Click the note on the table and it will say that someone lost their book.
-Go right once.
-Move the towel at the front and take the vitamins.
-Go left once, forward once and right four times.
-Take the note at the table in the back.
-Click the salt and pepper on the table in the front for a note that says that there is a loose floor tile that needs to be fixed.
-Go left twice, forward once and left once.
-Use the key on the drawer between the beds.
-Go right once, forward once and left once.
-Select the book in Items and remember the number on the back of the first page. It changes with each game.
-Put that number into the safe, click Enter and take the paper in the safe.
-Go right once, back twice and right twice.
-Take the vinegar bottle beneath the middle table.
-Go left once.
-Remove the bowl on the front table and take the screwdriver.
-Go right once and forward three times.
-Take the bottle with the green lid on the table in the middle, it's see through, so it's kinda hard to see but it's just beneath the box on the table behind it.
-Select the bottle in Items, then select the vinegar, click on the large picture of the vinegar and click on the bottle in Items, NOT the large picture of the bottle that comes up when you select it. Then select the vitamins, click on the large picture of the vitamins, and on the bottle in Items. Now a blue liquid is in the bottle.
-Go back once, click the large picture of the bottle and click the stain on the floor. This reveals a key and a pattern. Take the key and remember the pattern. Close the large picture of the bottle.
-Go back three times and left three times.
-Select the key in Items and click on the case on the wall.
-Now that the case is unlocked click on the control panel for a closeup.
-Now it is time to remember the pattern. It is a hint for how to set the sliders. But if you can't remember it, click the left slider once, the second slider from the left twice, and the slider on the right once and you'll hear a chime. You can also do this with the small picture of the case instead.
-Go right twice.
-Now it's time to play some music. Click the piano, then select the piece of paper from Items.
-The note sheet tells you what keys to play on the piano. The keys are in order E, C, F, D. Or counting the white keys, with the first key being the one under the S in Steinway, 7, 5, 8, 6. You will be told that a new area has been unlocked.
-Go left once and forward three times.
-Select the book in Items, remember the number on the back of the second page, put it into the safe, click Enter and take the paper.
-Go back three times.
-Select the screwdriver from Items and click on the part of the wooden floor that seems a bit darker than the rest, then move the floor tile away.
-Select the book in Items, remember the number on the back of the third page, put it into the safe, click Enter and take the paper.
-Go left three times.
-Now it's time for some math. Select the book in Items, go through the four papers and add up the numbers on the back of them. Now put that number in beneath the symbols on the whiteboard, and click the big Enter button.
-Pick up the red gem.
-Go right once and forward once.
-Select the red gem from Items, and put it between the grey boxes on the right wall.
-Go forward once.
-And you've escaped! Congratulations! Now take a look at the bar on the top of the game that tells you how long you've spent on escaping.
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