Friday, May 11, 2007

TTT - Tim Tang Test

Tim Tang Test is another online riddle game. Change the URL riddle game.

Click here to play


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Anonymous said...

A new site has been designed specifially for the tim tang test, it is NOT a spoiler site, but a hint site encouraged to get people to help eachother out on the puzzles

Visit :

See you there!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don't need answer to level 11a click on level 11b.
answer to level 11b is mahjong
level 12 is ningates
level 13 is triskaidekaphobia
level 14 tne
level 15 jigsaw
level 16 maze
level 17 simonsays
level 18 slamdunk
level 19 icons
level 20 moon

Anonymous said...

ahh im still on 8 i need help

Anonymous said...

Question 6 anybody??

Anonymous said...

level 6 is cabbage

Anonymous said...

wtf is lvl 3 PLZ SOME1 HELP ME OUT

Anonymous said...

does anyone have level 24 answer?

Anonymous said...

level7: 4082
level8: justintimberlake
level9: aaaaa
level10: civic

Anonymous said...

Hey. So just wondering if anyone can help with Level 28. I've been stuck for awhile...

Anonymous said...

w00t got it. now stuck on lvl 33...

Anonymous said...

IM totally stuck on 21... i get that u have to enter ur pw in the redirecting page, but i have no idea where to enter it

Anonymous said...

on 21 you replace the word right before .html in the url with the answer and it doesn't have to be typed fast on the redirecting page you can type it in while viewing 21... i'm stuck on part three of 21 though

Anonymous said...

im extremely stuck on number 21 can sum1 tell me how to start it

Anonymous said...

use ur old knowledge...look in other places that he told you to look before to get the answers, he does give them to you, u just have to be a fast clicker and click in the right spots.

Anonymous said...

on level 21, what is the word you put before the html? do you take out the word deadend and put it there?

PakPace said...

can anyone help with level 26?
we tried Picasa but that didnt help..

Anonymous said...

level 4 anyone?

Anonymous said...

what's 4 look like

Anonymous said...

can someone please help with 21? what is the answer you put in before the html?

Anonymous said...

can someone plssssssssss help with level 4??? so stuck...

Anonymous said...

hi anonymous

did you looked the ?

Anonymous said...

I need help on 21!!!! I CANT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please someone just tell me what to do!

Anonymous said...

wat do you do for 21 PLEASE i cant figure it out

Anonymous said...

please i need a ton of help on level21 in the tim tang test i ahve been on it for like 2 days. i know ur supposed to type sumting inthe url and i know where but i can't figure out where it is. can any1 please help me. im going crazy

Anonymous said...

im stuck at 4

Anonymous said...

lv 2 anyone? 0.o

Anonymous said...

can anyone help me with level four!? ive tried EVERYTHING!.. well i guess except the answer

Anonymous said...

level 4 is FACTORIAL

Anonymous said...

level 3 please?????

Anonymous said...

Boris - For level 26, use Picasa and find the co-ordinates of the picture that relate to the text in the game source.

I found MS Paint was better, as this tells you the co-ordinates of the cursor in the bottom right of the window.

Anonymous said...

for lvl 21, you have to enter bonus right before html. you get that from viewing the page source in between lvls 20 and 21. Then you enter circle in the next redirection. I am stuck on part three of the question any help??

Anonymous said...

The answer to 21 is earth

Anonymous said...

the answer to the third part of 21 is earth

Anonymous said...

any suggestions for level 30

Anonymous said...

level 12 help please? what are goodies??

Anonymous said...

i know it is an occupation with three l's and o's but I have no idea!

Anonymous said...

person with level five you are wrong about three l's and three o's .. think doubles of letters in the other two objects than apply everything in common with them

Anonymous said...

Anybody know the answer to 25?
something to do with html

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me where i made a mistake on 23? I think it might be part b. I have:

a) 103
Then just all multiplied together, right?

Unknown said...

Your numbers for 23 should all be WHOLE numbers. No decimal points.

Anonymous said...

part a is wrong because it says a bunch of odd numbers scrambled together

0 is not odd.

Anonymous said...

level one wont even work for me!! what's the answer and username thingy?

Anonymous said...

level 22 I don't understand. I got through level 21 but am stuck. it says "think outside the box" please help!

Anonymous said...

Hey whats the answer for level 10?

Anonymous said...

Someone give the answer to level 23. I just can't do the math.

Thanks to that awesome rulebreaker that gives me the answer. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Just to save everyone a hell of a lot of trouble, the answer to 23 is...


Anonymous said...

23 is not 404404.

Anonymous said...

404404 worked for me!

Anonymous said...

It is 404404, you just think it's not. If you get Error 808 page then you are at the right place. Now, I'm still confused though. XD

Anonymous said...

Oh, I figured it out! I got to the 808 page.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but now what? :S

Unknown said...

what is 25?

Anonymous said...

i cant figure out 25 either! just a hint please!

Anonymous said...

how do u do level 24 seriously i get the whole 24 and jack bauer and kiefer sutherland being son of shirley douglas who is the from the city on the map but wat it the word ??? plz help

Anonymous said...

When you're at the Error 808 page, after 404404, you are at the right just need to figure the answer..think Double Oops...Double...

And can someone help me with lvl 25..Where's the picture?

Anonymous said...

i dont get 23. i typed in 404404 and its says error 401....

Anonymous said...

It should say Error 808: Page Does Not Exist

That's where I'm stuck.

Anonymous said...

Also stuck on 25.

Anonymous said...

So stuck on the 808 page. HELP. I don't understand how to apply the "double" thing...

Anonymous said...

Does any1 noe what 22 is?

Anonymous said...

22 is ice
23 is 404404 then when you get to the 808 page remove one of the 404's so its just 404
24 is sandrapalmer

anyone know 25?

Anonymous said...

for 25 i got slimjim and it skipped me to 27
for that page its samedame then copperstopper then star
28 is crystal
29 is 7447008153

does ANYONE have ANY idea what 30 is?

Anonymous said...

30 is mitsubishi
anyone know 31?

Anonymous said...

for 31 i put in decade but it took me to 37 instead of 32

Anonymous said...

Can any1 please hlep me with 37. its about this Coca-cola zero and the hint is "Add a couple pics..."

Anonymous said...

lvl 11!!! omg, help

Anonymous said...

i seriously need help getting past level 26. anybody know the answer?

Anonymous said...

I am having some big problems with level j in the toddler levels? can anybody help?

Anonymous said...

how is 22 ice?

Anonymous said...

i need some help with toddler level l. anybody got an answer for it?

Anonymous said...

TTT Test
-5. 300
-4. ten
-3. abestos
-2. mario
-1. donkeykong

1. 312
2. pepsi
3. pi
4. factorial
5. bookkeeper
6. cabbage
7. 4082
8. justintimberlake
9. aaaaa
10. civic
11. a. 261957 b. mahjong (answer found by viewing source code)
12. ninegates
13. triskaideaphobia
14. tne
15. jigsaw
16. maze
17. simonsays
18. slamdunk
19. icons
20. moon
21. (in url delete ‘deadend’ and enter bonus; then enter circle; then enter earth) url for level 22 is (
22. enter in url ‘ice’ (
23. enter ‘404404’ in url and when on 808 error page, change to just ‘404’
25. ???
27. samedame then copperstopper then star
30. mitsubishi
31. ???
32. ???
33. ???
34. ???
35. ???
36. decade

Anonymous said...

If you need the answer to all the levels up to level 36 then what's the point in playing?

Anonymous said...

There's several ways you can get help if you're stuck which won't result in cheating... There are discussion threads without spoilers on several sites: facebook, there's his official forum: and there's also TTH as mentioned above. Tim Tang also has pmo's, they are people that you can send a message to directly who will help you to solve the level on your own.

Anonymous said...

PS. don't forget cbox which is at the bottom of the toddler pages and at least levels 1-5. If you don't spoil and have a specific query, there's plenty of people happy to help :)

Anonymous said...

Whoooo! The TTT is so much fun!

I love how I can solve the puzzles without having to cheat! It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside!

(Tim is a sexy sexy man)

Anonymous said...

Cheating is for losers!

And you know what we say about losers?....they LOSE!

Anonymous said...

I needed help with level 105 - so I asked the friendly PMOs on the official Facebook group - now i've lost 3 dress sizes!

Anonymous said...

ahhh, you should get pregnant like me.

Anonymous said...

Why would I get pregnant? I am too busy using my own brain and intellect solving these delicious puzzles!

The best feeling is when you get the answer yourself :)

*To cheating, Anonymous says 'No'*

Anonymous said...

LOL... yes i lost 3 dress sizes when i got pregnant too, i wonder if i'll ever get them back again....

Anonymous said...

can anyone help me with the toddler level g???

Anonymous said...

how do you get the 44 on level 23? Isn't it 48?!

M. Soorian said...

help....m stuck at level 11!!!

Anonymous said...

does anyone have any hints for toddler level s?

Anonymous said...

Level j?
It's hard. Any hints?

Anonymous said...

i need hints for toddler l and on, and hints for level 36 and on? anybody?

Anonymous said...

i am stuck on toddler r, i could really use some help with it please?

Anonymous said...

toddler level x is impossible! i need any help anybody can give tome!!! please!

Anonymous said...

because it's not collaborating, it's just telling people the answers, what's the point in that??

ur allowed to collaborate, hence, but just telling people the answers is stupid and ruins the whole point of the game!!

Anonymous said...

how do you put an answer in for 30?

Anonymous said...

i am probably really dumb but where is the button on level 11a my page is completely blank, like i found the password but now im stuck

Anonymous said...

i could really use help on toddler level d!

Anonymous said...

PM your allocated PMO on the official forum at .

Anonymous said...

for some reason level 1 won't work for me. i know the answer but the box just keeps popping up and it won't let me get to the next level. what am i doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

where is the button on level 23?
i can't seem to find it.

Anonymous said...

i cant find button for 30

Anonymous said...

where is the button for level 30?

Anonymous said...

I need help with level 37...the one with the cans of coke zero. The hint is "Add a couple pics..." When I click View Source, the hint is "only on-sixteenth of each is more than enough"

Anonymous said...

How do you do level 40? I think I have the linear combination (3*11+1*7=40) What do I do from there?

Anonymous said...

AHHH!!! I dunno where the button/pic is in lvl 24....ARGH!! and the donkey kong music has NOTHIN to do with ANYTHING

Anonymous said...

can anyone explain why 21 is what it is?
i would like to know HOW everyone figured it out!

Anonymous said...

can anyone explain why 21 is what it is?
i would like to know HOW everyone figured it out!

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused. I have no idea how to find any clues after level 20... I know how to mouseover, page source/yogurt, look at the title, and analyze the music and picture. Is there another place for clues???? If so, where is it?

Anonymous said...

I need help with toddler level x. it is too hard for me! would somebody please help me?

Anonymous said...

February 28, 2008 10:59:00 AM PST
mxochihua said...

i dont get 23. i typed in 404404 and its says error 401....

>>>>Just go back do it again, and again until you get 808 page than remove one 404, so its just 404.html
and you get to level 24

Anonymous said...

Ok if you give the Answer PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW DID YOU GET IT!
I don't mind answers, but i still want to know how to get to them.

Anonymous said...

i am still stuck on toddler level x and i am getting nowhere with it. please help me out!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where is the button for 21??????!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone have a clue for Toddler level L?

Anonymous said...

i've been stuck for ages on toddler level e. it's supposedly really easy but i'm just not getting it.
and don't just say 'think simple'. i cannot think any simpler!
can anyone help me?

Anonymous said...

hey, dont understand why.. but on level-3 I typed "abestos", that's supossed to be the answer, but nothing happens.

Can someone help me?

Melee95 said...

For Level 30, where do I Insert Mitsubishi???

Anonymous said...

for level -3, you spelt the answer wrong.

Anonymous said...

I wanna know why the answer to level 3 is pi?

Anonymous said...

look at the groupings of letters, there is a 3 letter word, then 1 letter word, then 4 letter word, then 1 letter, the 5 letter etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Here's why the answer to level 3 is what it is... Look at the level number. Do you see that long line after the 3? It should tell you something. Now, read the words on the screen. Do you see the part that says "never t********* or r******?" Now, put those clues together. Those are the clues that you should have noticed and that's why the answer is what it is. You don't need any other clues to do this level other than the image. It is one of the easiest levels in the test.

Anonymous said...

ppl keep sayin to enter watever for level 21 but i dont get it at all PLZ SOME1 HELP!!!!! step by step

Anonymous said...

wheres the link for lvl 30?

Anonymous said...

where do i click to get to the level bar on level 14???
please helpp

Anonymous said...

omg! seriously. i feel like an idiot. i cant even get past level one, but seriously! it HAS to be 312, but it's not working.
someone please explain!

Anonymous said...

on level 12 i type everything correctly using the password "ningates" and nothing happens? what up?

Anonymous said...

does anybody have the answer or clue for level alpha in the teens? i really need this answer, I've been stuck on it for a while.

Anonymous said...

level 37 stuck need more clues

Anonymous said...

the reason answer 3 is pi is because pi = 3.14159265358979 ect if you could the number of letters in each word, the first word will be 3 letters, the second will be one letter so on and so forth. and if you look at the top where it says the number. it actaually says "3._______" hintin that it is 3.14.......

Anonymous said...

for level one, the answer is 312 but your username is level1 with no spaces

Anonymous said...

hey, i am at level 21, and i keep getting redirected,
i typed in bonus
then circle
but know it just goes . . . redirecting , , , square, rhombus . .. pentagram
and i have no time to type it in . . . where and when do i type in earth?????

Anonymous said...

i know the answer to level 3..i just cant get the username thing to pop up! help!

Anonymous said...

who ever needs help with level -5 through level 31, email me at

Anonymous said...

level 22 where is the spot i put the cursor over.

i dont even have a ggole toolbar has something gone wrong??

Anonymous said...

level 22 where is the spot i put the cursor over.

i dont even have a ggole toolbar> has something gone wrong??

Anonymous said...

after i typed in mitsubishi
a user logon page comes up and i type it in and it goes to error 401 what do i do??

Anonymous said...

after level 22 it goes to a user login in then to a blank page what do i do???

Anonymous said...

okay, level 37 is an odd one, the answer is not tessellation, and it doesn't have anything to do with color, or so i don't believe so... SO THEN WHAT DOES THE PICTURE HAVE TO DO WITH THE DARN PUZZLE?

Anonymous said...

im on 21 an i see the dead end sign. what do i do next. i need help

Anonymous said...

level 4 is drivin me mad.. help plz..

Anonymous said...

level 4 is drivin me mad.. help plz..

Anonymous said...

Help with toddler g plz

Anonymous said...

level 4 and toddler b! argh!

Anonymous said...

level 4, rumble radio. go back to how you solved 3. and ignore the negative positive. there is a 5 letter word, very obvious what it is. you get a set of funny numbers and there is a pattern to it

Anonymous said...

a link to a less revealing thread

Anonymous said...

anyone know any hints about level 14?

Anonymous said...

I got told the answer to radio runmble was factorial but it bloody is not

Anonymous said...

can anyone help wih number 6 ... with the coloured squares .. titled .. 'listen'?
its bugging me!!

Anonymous said...

i tried factorial for level 4 but that didn't work

Anonymous said...

i tried pi for level 3 and it didnt work, someone please help!!!!

Unknown said...

No you didn't put pi or you would have gotten it. Here's a hint, pi starts with a 3... It's not "pi"

Unknown said...

what is level 3 awnser. i am so greatful :D

Unknown said...

i know what pi is but how do u type it in




Unknown said...

and how many numbers down do u go?????????????//// thankie

Anonymous said...

level 3 is no pi anymore...its the one with trees. perfect PATTERN...think about how numbers relate to the letters. and does anyone know about number 4? the radio one?

Unknown said...

omg thanks sooo much!

Anonymous said...

wats the answer for 4???

Anonymous said...

just a hint that may well help like it did for methe answer to 4 is..... no i cant its just a hint that may well help like it did for me, -18 corresponds with a letter forget the minus so its just 18 and 1 also corresponds with a letter, the title is a big clue to what these letters are, work out the numbers and follow the sequence

Anonymous said...

please help with 4 its wreaking ma brain

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously level 4 is killing me.
I know the five letter word. I understand the corresponding. But only one of the the numbers they give corresponds correctly. And even then, I can't figure out a pattern.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know level 4 its not factorial

Anonymous said...

hey i need help on level 4 help anyone

Anonymous said...

Level 4 (New) help: I'll try to keep to the spirit of the game by not just giving you the answer, but I'll give you the relevant clues.

1) The red box is located over a part of the picture, and has spaces for some letters. Think what the letters are likely to be given what you can see and where the box is.
2) Now do what you did in level 3, and convert those letters into numbers.
3) Now do a bit of maths with the information that is on the picture, and yes the signs are important, so ignore other comments saying that they aren't.
4) You should now spot a pretty simple number sequence.
5) Determine the next number in the sequence. You probably think you have the answer now, but there is one more step.
6) The answer isn't the number from the sequence, but what have we done already regarding numbers and letters? Do that and you should be on your way to level 5.


Anonymous said...

thx HotShot, but i still cant get it. Ive got numbers, but what kind of maths....i mean + - / * i am zoo stupid :-(

Anonymous said...

wohoo got lvl 4 now stuck on New lvl 6...plz HELP!!!

Anonymous said...

can someone juss give me the answer to # 4 plz i havent figured it out in 4 days

Anonymous said...

i dont get lvl 6 either its killing me i need some hints

Anonymous said...

on fb people were talking abou lvl 6. but i still cant figure it out. look at this site:

maybe you get? than plz help me out :-)

Anonymous said...

People i cant get ast the third tutorial! Wheres the question and what do you have to answer??!

cbmccullough said...

I have been trying to figure out new level 6 for over a week now!!! I have a lot of info - but I can't find the "clue hidden in plain view" Can anyone point me in the right direction???

Sarah said...

i can't get level 6 either, but i'm wondering if it's the url?

cbmccullough said...

I don't think it's the url. I know it's not the source code. You have to "apply the picture" to something?
I'm am so stumped right now!!

Anonymous said...

New Level 6. PLZ !! I need more than a hint. I am going crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

any hint for toddler level c?

Anonymous said...

for the new answers.

Now, can someone help me with 6?

cbmccullough said...

Don't give out the actual answers! Give a really good hint.
And by the way - any hints for Level 6?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Then plz give a hint for lvl 6!!

Anonymous said...

New level 8. Please what do we have to do? I have no idea. Is it a word or a number?? Plz you people who solved it: tell us something

Anonymous said...

I mean level 6

cbmccullough said...

If I had solved level 6 I would give a clue - COME ON help us out!!

Anonymous said...


-???? -?? +16 +S
but what or where or from what, from other numbers or other letters maybe? but which?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the "hidden" clue on level 6:
Think of somewhere where Tim has control over what goes there, yet it's outside the usual set of clues.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I have 6 now !!!!!

cbmccullough said...

I am so jealous! I just came back to this after a week or so off. And am still stumped. Any hint of where to look for the clue?

Anonymous said...

the 6 clue is right on the screen, just in front of you. its on every webpage, to recognize it in ttt as a clue, here is no really hint on what the clue could be. you dont need to do anything to get that clue, its just the material you must work with to apply the other clues.

Anonymous said...

?-4 ?-2....

Anonymous said...

for lvl 6, i know what the extra clue is, but dont know how to use it at all!
please help! ><

Anonymous said...

take what you nee and do what the pic says

Anonymous said...

if you know the clue, what do you think should be different to the next level. maybe look at the clue in previous levels to see what happens. then "take" what you want to change and apply the rest as simply as possible.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm still missing the "extra" clue... Any help at all would be appreciated. I've tried PM officers, forums, to no avail. Please, if someone has something more concrete than "look wide" or "it's in plain sight", can you help?

Anonymous said...

you see it at your screen, its there for every webpage and what looks the same for everyone, who is on that page. think about what every page needs and what changes on every page

Anonymous said...

Re level 6 - if you've done some of the slightly later toddler levels you might have some idea where else to look - that's what clued me in anyway

Anonymous said...

can some one explain y level 4 is y?

cbmccullough said...

At Last! I did finally get level 6. It is pretty straight forward - once you have it. It is much simpler that you think.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how to use the hidden clue for level 6. I'm pretty sure I have this clue, but is it to use what the clue is CALLED or what the clue itself is? And how do I use it? Also... Do I change the n***** into a l*****?

Anonymous said...

Y is the answer to level 4? How? why?

Benjamin...I hope you're happy Mrs. Harris said...

I figured out 6 but i dont even know how.

Unknown said...

for level 6... what do you have to click to type in the answer?? now step back and look at what you have to click, what does it look like? ahhhhh... yeaaa... that is your answer..

Anonymous said...

Help please. My level 3 is called Perfect PATTERN and the answer isn't pi. why do i have a different question to everyone and does anyone know the answer please.

Anonymous said...

i got 6!!! its very silly :)

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