Sniper Assassin 5: Final Mission Walkthrough
Mission 1 - There are four snipers the farthest one is standing on the roof the Mid-left building. Zoom in and shoot!
Mission 2 - Kill all the snipers shooting at you. One is hiding inside, you can only see the fire burst from his rifle.
Mission 3 - Shoot the power cable, shoot the wood under wheels of truck to make it move back covering the guard. Shoot everyone from left to right.
Mission 4 - Shoot all the snipers, they can evade your shot just be patient and kill them all.
Mission 5 - Shoot all the green part of the bombs, the farthest bomb is located at the left side of the screen, Zoom in.
Mission 6 - Wreck the car, no time limit just wreck the car.
Mission 7 - Shoot all the snipers, but beware, watch Marco's back there are 3 enemies who will try to move in and attack him from behind.
Mission 8 - Shoot the pipe head on top of the guard on standing on the roof to make him move to the right. Shoot him in the head and watch as his blood short-circuits the bullet proof window. Shoot the guy inside then shoot everybody.
Mission 9 - Depending on how good you are with this type of mission this mission will either be easy or hard for you. Just jump across the platforms, the leader will eventually reach the end of the platform where he trips and hangs on. You are now given a choice to Kill him or Save him. The next mission and ending sequence will depend on your choice here :)
Mission 10 - Kill: Quickly shoot the circular light bulbs to distract the guards in front. Quickly shoot them before they reach the bulbs and call for backup. Zoom in and shoot the bee's nest on top the guard standing under the tree, wait for him to be chased off the screen. Shoot the right flower pot to make it fall and hit the guard on the right side of the door. Shoot the guard on the left as he walks and investigate his fallen comrade. Shoot the two guards walking inside the mansion, make sure they are not looking at each other.
Mission 10 - Save: Kill all the guards, till you reach the end of the sewer, to open the door find the keycard under one of the barrels on the left side. Enter the numbers to open the door.
Mission 11 - Shoot all the attacking guards, game over if the all of the policeman is killed.
Mission 12 - Shoot Mr.J 3 times, do not hit anyone else.
Mission 13 - Shoot Lee, wait for him on one side of the tree, controlling your crosshair is really hard since you are shot so following his movements will make it harder.
what are the passwords i just really cant pass it!
how many bombs are there
I can't kill mr. j with the tranqs. SHIET!!
the password is this little brown peice of paper sticking out on the bottom of the crate. click on it and enter it onto the lock
wtf gimme the passes
Is there any easier way to pass the mission where you aid the police? I can't kill 6 people in 3 seconds because of the sniper rifle recoil!
Level Codes
Mission 1:
Mission 2: OUTSKIRTS
Mission 3: WAREHOUSE
Mission 4: CAT AND MICE
Mission 5: TICK TOCK 9 (btw theres 7 bombs)
Mission 6: CRUNCH TIME
Mission 7: GREEN HORN
Mission 9: RUNAWAY
Mission 12: TAG
Ive been waiting along time for the 5th and last game in the sniper assassin series! Part 5 is one of the best (next to part 3)!
where are all 7 bombs?
how do you get to the really high platforms
i have quit addicting games because viacom owns it AND THEY SUCK
it rocks!
where are the 7 seven????? somebody tell me
They are on the pillars
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