Friday, December 15, 2006

Mindfields 2204

It is 2204, and you are the only one left from your legion. Your mission is to find the way through the enemy lines.

click here to play


Anonymous said...

"Mindfields 2204 Walkthrough"

level 1-18

Coordinate explanation copied from Bassoon

To use coordinates, start at the top left - that's A1. Each row down is the next letter, each column across is the next number. So the top right is A13, the bottom left is M1, the bottom right is M13.

Left Arrow: B7
Down Arrows: B5 and F7
Right Arrow: F5
Password: 4XV5

Up Arrow: L6
Right Arrow: D6
Shield: G11
Password: 3D5N

Up Arrow: K4
Diag. Up: G4
4 Way Shot: D8
Password: L8DR

Right Arrow: C2
Up Arrow: C13
Password: VX5G

Shield: E7
4 Way Shot: F7
Left Arrow: I7
Password: K7V3

Shield: G11
Up Arrow: G10 and G2
4 Way Shot: E10
Diag. Down: D10
Password: N3AR

Diag. Down: B4
Down Arrow: D2
4 Way Shot: G2, H2, and L8
Diag. Up: L10
Left Arrow: B13
Single Shot: C7
Password: SM22

Diag. Up: H8
4 Way Shot: G7
Password: YBB5

Diag. Up: K2
4 Way Shot: I7 and G9
Diag. Down: I11
Left Arrow: G12
Up Arrow: G4
Password: KALU

Single Shot: C7 and D2
Left Arrow: C8
Diag. Down: C1
Right Arrow: E3
Password: VAKA

Up Arrow: L11
Single Shot: H11
Down Arrow: D6
Diag. Up: M6
Password: UA33

Diag. Up: K3 and C11
Right Arrow: I5
4 Way Shot: I6
Diag. Down: I8
Password: M3LK

Left Arrow: B11
Down Arrow: B3
4 Way Shot: D3
Right Arrow: G3
Single Shot: G6
Shield: G10
Password: SYS4

Shield: K7
Diag. Down: D7
4 way Shot: F5
Down Arrow: H13
Left Arrow: J13
Password: BTB7

Left Arrow: J10
Single Shot: J9
Up Arrow: J8
Diag. Down: F8
Password: DR66

Left Arrow: K6
Up Arrow: K4
Right Arrow: C4
Down Arrow: C10
4 Way Shot: D10
Diag. Down: E10
Password: GAL3

Up Arrow: L9
Single Shot: K9
4 Way Shot: F9 and C7
Diag. Down: A9
Password: PS69

Diag. Down: F5
4 Way Shot: G6 and G8
Diag. Up: H7
Right Arrow: D11
Password: 55BJ

source :

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