THINGS YOU’LL NEED: -Screen with the tables, clear off the rightmost table (salt and peppershaker, napkin holder and tablecloth), click the big flowerpot behind it and take the KNIFE under it (have to click quickly). You can put all the stuff back as you don’t need it (except a SALTSHAKER)
-Screen with the door, use the knife on the sign over the door and pick it up (TABLET)
-Screen with the sink/oven, open the right sink cupboard and take the SCRUBBER (it slightly peeks out behind the bucket)
-Double click the TABLET and use the SCRUBBER on it, you get the COOKIE SHEET. Afterwards you can put the SCRUBBER back, you don’t need it anymore
-Open the oven and put the COOKIE SHEET inside
-click the left side of the oven and pick up the HAMMER (you may need to try to turn on the oven before you can get it, I’m not sure about that)
-Customer list: under the left sink cupboard behind the rolls of paper (it slightly peeks over the right of the rolls). The list seems to be random so you need to compare the details on the list with the people waiting outside, if they match then make the pizza on the list and keep the special wishes in mind. Should they don’t match open the small hatch on the door and use the knife on them and they’ll leave.
MAKING PIZZA DOUGH: (you need to do this a few times) -Screen with the tables, pick a SALTSHAKER (any will do, best keep the one from before)
-Screen with the cupboards, open the upper cupboards, take the MUG, BIG SPOON and GLASS (left), GLASS SAUCEPAN, KETCHUP and BOTTLE
-lower cupboards, use the knife to cut the flour bag (left) (you only need to do this once) and fill the MUG, use the GLASS on the bowl with yeast (right) and pick a EGG (check the EGG by double clicking it and click on the enlarged egg, if it spins long you can’t use it so put it back, if it spins just a little keep it)
-open the left closet and take the ROLLING PIN
-turn left to the sink/oven screen, click the water tap, select the bottle and fill it with water.
-double click the SAUCEPAN, select the BOTTLE (water), SALTSHAKER (salt), MUG (flour), GLASS (yeast) and finally the egg then use the big spoon and stir. The mix then needs a while to rise (just turn around a few times)
-When the dough is over the edge of the SAUCEPAN click it. Double click the DOUGH, select the HAND symbol and click it till it doesn’t shape anymore. Still in that screen select the ROLLING PIN, use it on the dough two times and finally select the ketchup and squirt it on the flat dough, you now have the base for all pizzas. Now you can put everything you still have back in the cupboards you have space for the toppings.
MAKING PIZZAS: (This next part seems to be random in every game so here’s where you can find the stuff you need)
TOPPINGS: (NOTE: All toppings except red peppers and shrimps need to be sliced) -GREEN BELL PEPPER: Basket on the small rolling table -CELERY: Behind the green peppers (slightly lighter green) -CHEESE: On the lower cupboard, needs the knife to cut of a slice -TOMATOES: right cupboard -RED PEPPERS: behind the tomatoes (top-left of them)
SHRIMPS: (left and right closet, you can identify them by the color on the boxes) -NORWEGIAN: Red – blue stripe -INDONESIAN: Red – white strip -BANGLADSHI: Green – red strip -NIGERIAN: Green – white stripe -GUATEMALAN: Blue – white stripe
-Simply pick the toppings you need and put the on the pizza
-Put the pizza in the oven, close the door an hit the side with the HAMMER. When the oven beeps your pizza is done.
-Take the oven mittens off the wall, open the oven and pick up the pizza
-Hand it out through the door hatch and pick up the red sticker the give you (NOTE: if you accidentally made the wrong pizza [they say “NO” and wont take it] put it in the chute next to the oven)
-put the sticker on the picture with the red fields right of the closet
The amount of actual customers varies so don’t panic if you don’t fill all fields.
Now here’s the annoying part: -click the rolling table so it rolls forward. Click left of the cupboard, there’s a row of metal pins on the floor, they all need to be lowered so try around till they’re all down.
-close the doors of the lower cupboard and in the upper right cupboard click the red button (behind the SAUCEPAN). The lower cupboard will slide left and reveal the safe.
-To get the code look on the right side of the lower cupboard, there’s a sheet of paper with four letters (these are random too). Look on the stickers on the wall and compare the letters with the customer names and simply add up the long numbers. Enter the number you get in the safe
-Now you only need the key (the location is random), best empty your inventory as far as you can. Turn to the tables, clear one off and pick it up. Now click the legs on the lower end, it has to turn at least 3 times. If the leg pops off click the top and take the key from it, you can now put the table back down.
-Use the key on the safe and take all the money inside (the alarm will go off) and the cross like object inside. Use the object on the little hole in front of the closet, it will break.
-Turn to the sink and take the forks (I’m not sure which you need, just try both)
-Turn to the door and use the knife on the policeman outside, it’ll drop. Now use the FORK on him, he’ll do a little jump if you’re doing it right. While he jumps his stick will be visible, quickly grab it.
-Turn back to the cupboards and use the stick on the hole to reveal a secret passage
Is anyone playing right now? the customers keep changing so the pizzas are always wrong. How can you get the pizzas to the right person if they leave too fast?
if it says that the customer wants it with bangladeshi shilp and celery or whatever it means that they want the whole recipe PLUS those items. if theres already a different type of shrimp on the recipe you keep it. i kept rying to substitute but it never worked. hope this helped somebody
-the key is in one of the legs of one of the tables.. you might have to try all of them.. click on the bottom ends of the legs and they will turn.. eventually one will come off to reveal the end of a key..
-the knife is under the middle pot in the window.. you must move the salt, pepper, napkin, table cloth, and table.. click the pot and get the knife..
-to turn on the stove get the hammer on the left side of the stove.. you may have to click around a little to get to that view of the side of the stove.. there is a dent in the stove.. hit the dent with the hammer..
-for the ingredients for each person is under the sink behind the paper towels.. each person is different.. it varies for each time you play.. also look in the cook book for the ingredients.. turn the pages by clicking the top corners of the pages.. add the ingredients from the book and the paper together.. ps one or there could be more, doesn't like chili so don't use chili peppers.. if you cook a wrong pizza wrong and they say no, start over.. if they like it take the red ticket they give you and put it on the wall on the view with the ingredients..
-after you cook the pizzas, use the oven mit because you will drop the pizza and it will disappear and you will have to start the game over.. or atleast i haven't figured out how to start a new pizza after i dropped one..
Im usually like escape games. I hated this one. Let me tell you Riddle School. (Yes, I know it's not Ecru Room.)
Click on the SHARPENER.
Go East into Mrs. Cophey's room.
Click on Fred, Smiley and Zak if you want. Click the TRASH CAN and you'll get the mop. Exit the classroom.
Go East into the Janitors Closet. Listen to him and go out. Go back in. When he's saying the first sentence, click the mop in your inventory. He'll give you some money. Leave.
Go West once, and click the locker directly next to the water tub. Get the Hall Pass.
Keep going Eastg until you get to Ricky. Whilst he's saying stuff, click your Hall Pass. Watch him run away, the little Jack Russell. Go East.
For fun click the Womens Toilets and listen to the funny sentence. Go East.
See Chubb. Click the dollar the Janitor guy gave you and feel free to ignore Chubb and go into the Teachers Lounge. You can worry about Hurting A Cookie Lover later.
When the lady says something, click it and reply "I Need To Talk To The Principal." She'll say stuff, for some strange reason click "To Tell Him A Joke" and she'll let you in.
Watch the quick movie, go out of the Teachers Lounge, go West all the way, click the door and you escaped!
My first walkthrough lol! Yes, I do know it wasn't Ecru Room, but I can't do Ecru Room. Use it on Riddle School. Please?
Okay, I cannot for the life of me find the note for the safe code thing. I pressed the button and looked everywhere but I just cannot find it! help! :(
To find out which egg can go into the mixture, click on the egg in your inventory. You will see the "chicken egg" and you can click on it. Eggs that spin fast, are no good, you want an egg that spins slowish and stops quickly.
-Screen with the tables, clear off the rightmost table (salt and peppershaker, napkin holder and tablecloth), click the big flowerpot behind it and take the KNIFE under it (have to click quickly). You can put all the stuff back as you don’t need it (except a SALTSHAKER)
-Screen with the door, use the knife on the sign over the door and pick it up (TABLET)
-Screen with the sink/oven, open the right sink cupboard and take the SCRUBBER (it slightly peeks out behind the bucket)
-Double click the TABLET and use the SCRUBBER on it, you get the COOKIE SHEET. Afterwards you can put the SCRUBBER back, you don’t need it anymore
-Open the oven and put the COOKIE SHEET inside
-click the left side of the oven and pick up the HAMMER (you may need to try to turn on the oven before you can get it, I’m not sure about that)
-Customer list: under the left sink cupboard behind the rolls of paper (it slightly peeks over the right of the rolls). The list seems to be random so you need to compare the details on the list with the people waiting outside, if they match then make the pizza on the list and keep the special wishes in mind. Should they don’t match open the small hatch on the door and use the knife on them and they’ll leave.
MAKING PIZZA DOUGH: (you need to do this a few times)
-Screen with the tables, pick a SALTSHAKER (any will do, best keep the one from before)
-Screen with the cupboards, open the upper cupboards, take the MUG, BIG SPOON and GLASS (left), GLASS SAUCEPAN, KETCHUP and BOTTLE
-lower cupboards, use the knife to cut the flour bag (left) (you only need to do this once) and fill the MUG, use the GLASS on the bowl with yeast (right) and pick a EGG (check the EGG by double clicking it and click on the enlarged egg, if it spins long you can’t use it so put it back, if it spins just a little keep it)
-open the left closet and take the ROLLING PIN
-turn left to the sink/oven screen, click the water tap, select the bottle and fill it with water.
-double click the SAUCEPAN, select the BOTTLE (water), SALTSHAKER (salt), MUG (flour), GLASS (yeast) and finally the egg then use the big spoon and stir. The mix then needs a while to rise (just turn around a few times)
-When the dough is over the edge of the SAUCEPAN click it. Double click the DOUGH, select the HAND symbol and click it till it doesn’t shape anymore. Still in that screen select the ROLLING PIN, use it on the dough two times and finally select the ketchup and squirt it on the flat dough, you now have the base for all pizzas. Now you can put everything you still have back in the cupboards you have space for the toppings.
MAKING PIZZAS: (This next part seems to be random in every game so here’s where you can find the stuff you need)
TOPPINGS: (NOTE: All toppings except red peppers and shrimps need to be sliced)
-GREEN BELL PEPPER: Basket on the small rolling table
-CELERY: Behind the green peppers (slightly lighter green)
-CHEESE: On the lower cupboard, needs the knife to cut of a slice
-TOMATOES: right cupboard
-RED PEPPERS: behind the tomatoes (top-left of them)
SHRIMPS: (left and right closet, you can identify them by the color on the boxes)
-NORWEGIAN: Red – blue stripe
-INDONESIAN: Red – white strip
-BANGLADSHI: Green – red strip
-NIGERIAN: Green – white stripe
-GUATEMALAN: Blue – white stripe
-Simply pick the toppings you need and put the on the pizza
-Put the pizza in the oven, close the door an hit the side with the HAMMER. When the oven beeps your pizza is done.
-Take the oven mittens off the wall, open the oven and pick up the pizza
-Hand it out through the door hatch and pick up the red sticker the give you (NOTE: if you accidentally made the wrong pizza [they say “NO” and wont take it] put it in the chute next to the oven)
-put the sticker on the picture with the red fields right of the closet
The amount of actual customers varies so don’t panic if you don’t fill all fields.
Now here’s the annoying part:
-click the rolling table so it rolls forward. Click left of the cupboard, there’s a row of metal pins on the floor, they all need to be lowered so try around till they’re all down.
-close the doors of the lower cupboard and in the upper right cupboard click the red button (behind the SAUCEPAN). The lower cupboard will slide left and reveal the safe.
-To get the code look on the right side of the lower cupboard, there’s a sheet of paper with four letters (these are random too). Look on the stickers on the wall and compare the letters with the customer names and simply add up the long numbers. Enter the number you get in the safe
-Now you only need the key (the location is random), best empty your inventory as far as you can. Turn to the tables, clear one off and pick it up. Now click the legs on the lower end, it has to turn at least 3 times. If the leg pops off click the top and take the key from it, you can now put the table back down.
-Use the key on the safe and take all the money inside (the alarm will go off) and the cross like object inside. Use the object on the little hole in front of the closet, it will break.
-Turn to the sink and take the forks (I’m not sure which you need, just try both)
-Turn to the door and use the knife on the policeman outside, it’ll drop. Now use the FORK on him, he’ll do a little jump if you’re doing it right. While he jumps his stick will be visible, quickly grab it.
-Turn back to the cupboards and use the stick on the hole to reveal a secret passage
but how do you do the pins? I've been trying and trying and I can't seem to get them all down... Help!
omg i dont get how u do the pin thingy after u roll the table away
omg like right after i posted the 1 comment then i got it wen will i eva stop making pizzas?!?!??!
does anyone know how to get all the pins down? ive tried for almost an hour now is there a sequence or something?
i got all the pins down but i'm having SO MUC TROUBLE figuring out the number combo to the safe. i have the key..
I cant get the key in the safe plz help????
OMG i've tried for a million times with eggs and kept picking others but it won't go in the mixture!! it's a good egg too!!
how do you get the customer to come???? HELP
the pins i just kept doing it sometimes its fast and sometimes its customers keep saying no...why?
how do u get the tablet off !! !.. its not working with the knife ! .. help PLEASE!!!
what's the tablot,, im not english,, i cant get it
watever i dont like this game!
You get the pins down by only clicking the ones that were up. It'll work.
How do I turn the stove on!?
u turn on the oven when u hit it with the hammer.
I Can't Seem To Put The Ketchup On It Confusing!
I have 5 stickers- one for each customer.
They're all on the board with the red squares... So, how do I find the pins? Which cupboard am I supposed to click around?
Is anyone playing right now? the customers keep changing so the pizzas are always wrong. How can you get the pizzas to the right person if they leave too fast?
how do you put the egg in the saucepan ?? plz help im soo stuck
how do you put the egg in the saucepan ?? plz help im soo stuck
how do u flatten the dough? i tried clicking the hand and the dough but i dont get how it "stops shaping" or watever it said
if it says that the customer wants it with bangladeshi shilp and celery or whatever it means that they want the whole recipe PLUS those items. if theres already a different type of shrimp on the recipe you keep it. i kept rying to substitute but it never worked. hope this helped somebody
-the pins you just have to keep trying...
-the key is in one of the legs of one of the tables.. you might have to try all of them.. click on the bottom ends of the legs and they will turn.. eventually one will come off to reveal the end of a key..
-the knife is under the middle pot in the window.. you must move the salt, pepper, napkin, table cloth, and table.. click the pot and get the knife..
-to turn on the stove get the hammer on the left side of the stove.. you may have to click around a little to get to that view of the side of the stove.. there is a dent in the stove.. hit the dent with the hammer..
-for the ingredients for each person is under the sink behind the paper towels.. each person is different.. it varies for each time you play.. also look in the cook book for the ingredients.. turn the pages by clicking the top corners of the pages.. add the ingredients from the book and the paper together.. ps one or there could be more, doesn't like chili so don't use chili peppers.. if you cook a wrong pizza wrong and they say no, start over.. if they like it take the red ticket they give you and put it on the wall on the view with the ingredients..
-after you cook the pizzas, use the oven mit because you will drop the pizza and it will disappear and you will have to start the game over.. or atleast i haven't figured out how to start a new pizza after i dropped one..
I finally got out!!!
Im usually like escape games. I hated this one.
Let me tell you Riddle School. (Yes, I know it's not Ecru Room.)
Click on the SHARPENER.
Go East into Mrs. Cophey's room.
Click on Fred, Smiley and Zak if you want. Click the TRASH CAN and you'll get the mop. Exit the classroom.
Go East into the Janitors Closet. Listen to him and go out. Go back in. When he's saying the first sentence, click the mop in your inventory. He'll give you some money. Leave.
Go West once, and click the locker directly next to the water tub. Get the Hall Pass.
Keep going Eastg until you get to Ricky. Whilst he's saying stuff, click your Hall Pass. Watch him run away, the little Jack Russell.
Go East.
For fun click the Womens Toilets and listen to the funny sentence. Go East.
See Chubb. Click the dollar the Janitor guy gave you and feel free to ignore Chubb and go into the Teachers Lounge. You can worry about Hurting A Cookie Lover later.
When the lady says something, click it and reply "I Need To Talk To The Principal." She'll say stuff, for some strange reason click "To Tell Him A Joke" and she'll let you in.
Watch the quick movie, go out of the Teachers Lounge, go West all the way, click the door and you escaped!
My first walkthrough lol! Yes, I do know it wasn't Ecru Room, but I can't do Ecru Room. Use it on Riddle School. Please?
See ya.
Okay, I cannot for the life of me find the note for the safe code thing. I pressed the button and looked everywhere but I just cannot find it! help! :(
Wow I post the comment and it happens just after -.-'
done it :D i only press the middle pin and they all went down lol
To find out which egg can go into the mixture, click on the egg in your inventory. You will see the "chicken egg" and you can click on it. Eggs that spin fast, are no good, you want an egg that spins slowish and stops quickly.
were is the hammer in Escape Ecru Room game??Anonymous
where or how do you get the ketchup??
where the heck are the chili peppers?
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