Go to create your team first so you can name your guys and it'll show up on the screen, so you can name your guy something funny or cool and when you play online your opponent will see your name, which he will ethier fear you or blast out laughing.
On Territory War Online, which anounnymous 2,3,4, was Me,you have very vunrable backrounds and take advantage of that (like on Void II you can blow up planets). You can reate shelters, new attacking areas, ect.
On Territory War Online, which anounnymous 2,3,4, was Me,you have very vunrable backrounds and take advantage of that (like on Void II you can blow up planets). You can create shelters, new attacking areas, ect. (I added a c to create) B-) B-O B-P
One of my favorite things to do is if your on Island II and on the left side. Run up and jump onto the first platform. then use a rocket and aim up at the stairs on the right side are. You can launch a guy off the arena in your first turn. Very noobish, but works every time.
A great way to do damage close-up is to pick-axe an opposing player. It brings down their health about a third and is much more effective in doing damage than shooting or booting. Why risk a headshot not working if you can guarantee a kill by pick-axing the other guy??!!
a good way to win is to actually be skilled at sniping like me and save your rockets ya noob tubers and also watch out for ghost! he is known as the pwner so dont attempt to fight him or you will die! also cutiekira is a noob! i khow the glitch to use the laser gun online so look for ghost ya noobs! I PWN NOOBS! pure pwnage
on island dont use a rocket at first if your on the left side just use a grenade to knock their guy off if your skilled with grenades! look for a guy named ghost for 350000 wins cheat!
lol a good cheat is in the void do platform to the planets and ground impact and rocket them for easy wins and trust me i do best in void because of this cheat wich i got from a dude with 134 wins so this is a really good cheat and will get you amased that youre one of the best territory war online players ever made because of one little cheat.
lol territory war hu well a good cheat is do jungle and go under the huge cliff stay there until someone comes and headshot or roket launch them and they die and keep doing that.
yoyoyo this cheat gna blow ur ass off go to castle and put a wall on the top and bottom entrances and set ur ppl up and wen someone breaks thru u attack em i never lost a game in castle and in void 2 im rly good but im bullsht at volcano and jungle P.S. want more info u can check my website i put RUNESCAPE!!! cheats on it and ill start doing territory war online cheats and epic duel cheats and adventure quest cheats and wizard101 cheats!! booooo boo wizard 101 lol bye ppl
in castle tell openent 2 go inside
On jungle blow up ropes in middle so your opponent can't go that way.
on void II try to jump and fly. P.S. this is for anyone stupid enough to do this
Become friends with oponent so he won't go slautering your head off!!!
Go to create your team first so you can name your guys and it'll show up on the screen, so you can name your guy something funny or cool and when you play online your opponent will see your name, which he will ethier fear you or blast out laughing.
On Territory War Online, which anounnymous 2,3,4, was Me,you have very vunrable backrounds and take advantage of that (like on Void II you can blow up planets). You can reate shelters, new attacking areas, ect.
On Territory War Online, which anounnymous 2,3,4, was Me,you have very vunrable backrounds and take advantage of that (like on Void II you can blow up planets). You can create shelters, new attacking areas, ect. (I added a c to create) B-) B-O B-P
on volcano make a box in front of the teams base.
on volcano make a box in front of the teams base.
on volcano make a box in front of the teams base.
On Cyrstal Cavern if your on the left side put put a platform near the yellow thing and you can jump into the ceiling
this is all bullSH!T
One of my favorite things to do is if your on Island II and on the left side. Run up and jump onto the first platform. then use a rocket and aim up at the stairs on the right side are. You can launch a guy off the arena in your first turn. Very noobish, but works every time.
A great way to do damage close-up is to pick-axe an opposing player. It brings down their health about a third and is much more effective in doing damage than shooting or booting. Why risk a headshot not working if you can guarantee a kill by pick-axing the other guy??!!
Too be honest, pick axing is such a great idea. I've never killed someone with it before D:
i need territory war cheats, not Territory War Online cheats, ok
in castle barricade yourself in the castle and hide at the far back when your opponent breaks in snipe them with rifle
a good way to win is to actually be skilled at sniping like me and save your rockets ya noob tubers and also watch out for ghost! he is known as the pwner so dont attempt to fight him or you will die! also cutiekira is a noob! i khow the glitch to use the laser gun online so look for ghost ya noobs! I PWN NOOBS! pure pwnage
on island dont use a rocket at first if your on the left side just use a grenade to knock their guy off if your skilled with grenades! look for a guy named ghost for 350000 wins cheat!
i know the cheat for 350000 wins look for a guy named ghost!
lol ive got a 12 game win streak with 20 wins and 27 losses and i rule lol oh yea
a thing to do is in island be on left side then trap them in the cave and if they teleport one of my other guys will kill him
lol a good cheat is in the void do platform to the planets and ground impact and rocket them for easy wins and trust me i do best in void because of this cheat wich i got from a dude with 134 wins so this is a really good cheat and will get you amased that youre one of the best territory war online players ever made because of one little cheat.
oh yea go terry and anyway table538 rules
lol territory war hu well a good cheat is do jungle and go under the huge cliff stay there until someone comes and headshot or roket launch them and they die and keep doing that.
yoyoyo this cheat gna blow ur ass off go to castle and put a wall on the top and bottom entrances and set ur ppl up and wen someone breaks thru u attack em i never lost a game in castle and in void 2 im rly good but im bullsht at volcano and jungle P.S. want more info u can check my website i put RUNESCAPE!!! cheats on it and ill start doing territory war online cheats and epic duel cheats and adventure quest cheats and wizard101 cheats!! booooo boo wizard 101 lol bye ppl
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