Saturday, April 14, 2007

SSSG13 - Super Sneaky Spy Guy 13: Super Sneaky Spy Guy to the Rescue

Another point and click adventure game from Melting Mitz. "You were close to finding your wife Stacy when you were knocked unconscious. Now you find yourself in a strange dungeon who knows how long you were knocked out and Stacy could be anywhere by now! Use your skills to escape the dungeon and find Stacy".

Click here to play


Anonymous said...

Navigate with arrows at bottom. Left get bone off wall. Right and work way to dog, picking up spade and giving dog a bone. Pull lever. return to gate and fire picking up key on way. Press bricks with red marks. (3 4 2 1 3) and brick will drop down. Look at brick it will have an impression. Put gold key on brick and put in fire. New key. Exit dungeon to wine cellar. Note box on left. Continue to barrels. Click in order and note times. Back to box and imagine it is a clock. Press buttons in order from youngest wine. Press button on right to get key.
North out of wine cellar and to the town. Explore. House 2 Pick up jar on Patio 2. Using jar catch firefly on Patio and in Dining Room (open centre piece) and bathroom for pills. Work way to other end of house to Garden Spa for bucket. Note vase.
Go to House 1 picking up green egg in garden. House 1 dining room place green egg and get battery. Kitchen read note on microwave and write it down. Guest room 15 on lamp and move picture for puzzle. Using the numbers from the microwave make a magic square using all those numbers (they are in correct order, so try it) even the diagonals must add to 15.
Get cubes.
Make your way north to fountain. Fill bucket. Head south and west to spa. Fill spa with bucket and repeat twice. Get blue egg.
Go to House 2 right to Garden Spa and place blue egg in vase. Get key.
One more long trip back to dungeon and dog......get last firefly in jar.
Return to town and visit Hut and enter with silver key. Your should have ten items.
Move carpet and use other key to enter. Give Stacy some pills. Use fireflies to light the way. Dig up coin in tunnel. Enter submarine.
Place coin between wires. Enter wheel room of sub and place blocks individually in grey squares above wheel. Finished.....

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