The code for the buttons is a cryptogram. If you read the first blue screen on the machine in the tech room, it will give you a message with a bunch of letters and you'll see that Nicholas says "Is this a cryptogram?"
To find out what the message says, google 'cryptogram solver', then type the message into the cryptogram solver exactly the way it appears on the screen in the tech room.
Once you solve it, the message on the screen says to change the game from hard to easy, push the right button, then the left, left again, then the right button.
Once you've done that, go back and play the game again.
Ugggh!!! So I decided to try this game and well, it was all fine and good until I got to the game. I fed the guard and got through that door. Now I'm stuck. The tech room is locked and the only thing that I can get into is the food court. The guard that stands infront of Mork's room hallway says that I gave to beat the game. How do I get into the tech room to change the difficulty of the game. And where is the yellow key card???
To get into the secret room you must hold down space bar for exactly 10 minutes and itll constantly do the first answer of both the responses that u can do. It has to be exactly 10 minutes though, if u let go of space a second before or a second after then it doesnt work. U MUST RELEASE THE SPACEBAR AT 10 MINUTES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't get passed the tech room thing to change the arcade game from very hard to easy... and the stuff you guys are saying isnt working! helppp! seriously ive tried everything! love lil tickle xxx
This walkthrough is meant for players to use as a final resort only when they're really, really stuck. Or you hate cryptograms. Basically, if you are just annoyed and not getting any fun out of playing, that's when the walkthrough should be used.
The game starts with Nicholas walking out of the mall. The dark wizard Morth then steals his DVD. Choose whichever responses to Morth's questions you want; it doesn't affect the future gameplay. Afterwards, Nicholas is teleported to Eumoritown, where he decides to reclaim the DVDs and get Ultimate Walrus Power before Morth does.
Go into the house on the right side of the screen and talk to the girl inside. Tell her that you would like to try her pie. Then, when she asks if you like it, tell her that it could use a little more sugar. If you tell her you like it, you will enter an endless loop of confirmation until you tell her you don't like it. Afterwards, she will throw the pie into the recycle bin and run into her room crying. Take the pie and leave the house. Go up one screen to Central Eumoritown and tell the sewer guard you want to fall in. Give him the pie and he will leave. Drop down into the sewer, take the bowling ball out of the garbage pile, then go back into the beam of light. You will be back in North Eumoritown. Go left to the next screen and you will be in the front yard of the Spooky Mansion. Look at the skeleton and take the train ticket. Go right, then down, then left to the Eumoritown train station. Talk to the man in the ticket booth and tell him you have a train ticket. He'll say you missed your train ride, but he'll give you a half-refund. Go right, then up to North Eumoritown, then into the Car Wash. Let him wash and chrome your bowling ball to make the ball all shiny. Re-enter the sewer and put the shiny bowling ball into the hologram. You will enter the Walrus Temple, where you will find the location of the first DVD. Pick up the dead fish from beneath the pipe and leave the sewer. Go down two screens to the Eumoritown Docks. Talk to the fisherman and trade your dead fish for his live fish. Go up, up and right to Sea World. Show Lord Shamu-Shamu the fish and he wil swallow you.
On one of the whale's teeth, you will find a bottle. It has a message in code that tells you what order you should touch the discolored teeth in: left, right, middle, right, left, right, middle, right. You can then allow yourself to be swallowed. Examine the stomach acid and you will pick some up in your bottle. Go let one screen and use the stomach acid to dissolve the gunk. Go up to the right of the vending machine and pick up the empty bottles. Go back right one screen and into Jonah's Grille. Talk to the cashier and ask him what you can get for free. Ask him another question, then look inside the recycle bin and take the broken PRM. Take a straw from the right of the soda machine, then leave. Nicholas will realize he can use the straw as a handle for the PRM. Go back into Jonah's Grille and refill the empty bottles you found. Then leave once more, go left and use the PRM on the vending machine to make it take in the drinks and dispense money. Go back into Jonah's Grille and talk to Jonah. Buy some tumor tots and go back outside. You can then use the tots as a raft to cross Lord Shamu Shamu's stomach acid. Once you are through the small intestine, you will fall down into the large intestine where a cyborg fish will blow you away with a laser. The voice of a Sea World employee will fire you back up to fight the fish, but you are fired way too far up and out of the whale.
After a brief conversation with Morth, you will enter the castle. Play his arcade game, which it is impossible to win. Talk to the guard to the right of the game and he'll give you the Red Key Kard in exchange for your tumor tots. Use the Kard to open the door and enter the next room. Go left to the food court and talk to the bartender. He likes to act mean, and won't give you anything. Talk to the guard in the yellow shirt six times and he will tell you that the bartender is actually a nice once you get to know him, and just has a mean veneer. Tell the bartender about his niceness and he'll give you mustard to squirt in the yellow-shirted guard's face to prove how mean he is. Instead of doing what the bartender tells you, go right one screen and examine the door to the tech room. It needs a Yellow Key Kard to open. Nicholas will squirt the mustard onto the Red Key Kard to turn it yellow. Go right into the tech room. On the monitor of the left computer is a cryptogram. The key to solving it is Morth's signature on the monitor to the right. If solved, the cryptogram tells you the order to push the central computer's buttons to change Activenture from hard mode to easy mode. The order is right, left, left, right. Now Activenture is possible to beat, and in fact incredibly easy unless you deliberately try to lose. Go back left and down into Morth's entrance hall and play Activenture again. Take the key down one screen and enter the hole. You have won the game, and your reward is a hearty "CONGRENDULATES!". Go up one screen and talk to the guard in green clothing. Once he finds out you beat the arcade game, he will explode and let you through into Morth's room.
Watch it for yourself. Jeez.
--FAQ-- (In order of most to least frequently asked)
Q: So, I hear (from you) that there's a secret room in the game. Can you give me any significant hints as to where it is?
A: The only hints I'll say are that it has something to do with the stick figure picture in the Eumoritown shop, that you must do something many times, you must finish exactly at the right time, and you must do another thing much later. Then you can access the secret room.
Q: How likely is it to find the room?
A: Without any hints, nigh impossible. With that hint, still very unlikely that you'll find it, no matter how many times you try. Still, if I said any more, I'd give it away. <=(
Q: Does it have anything to do with the pie girl, the haunted house, the crack in the elder's wall, the train, or the rocket launcher?
A: No.
Q: I don't think there really is a secret room. You probably just made it up so that people would keep playing it and you'd get more hits.
A: It's really there; it's just that the likelihood of finding it is so close to impossible that it may as well actually be impossible.
Q: If you don't expect anyone to ever find it, what's the point of making a secret room?
A: I've always had a fascination with "secrets", particularly secret rooms and things of the such. And not just in games. As a child, I often liked to make up stories about how I or one of my family members found a secret passage in our house to a hidden room. As for video games, it began with something that any Pokemon fan of the 1990s with an internet connection should remember: the "Pokegods". At age ten, I was on Pokemon websites all the time, most of them crummy websites made by people slightly older than me. There were many jokesters on these websites who liked to spread false rumors about Pokegods, ridiculously powerful Pokemon that could only be gotten by doing ridiculously elaborate and practically impossible things, like beating the Elite Four thirty times without saving or healing, or talking to someone a thousand times after you've caught all 150 Pokemon without using a Gameshark, etc. Though I was pretty sure these were fake, I really wanted them to be real. So, I decided that if I ever made a video game, I would put a ridiculously hard to find secret in it for real, just for fun. I seriously didn't expect it would drive people crazy like this. I was originally going to put a secret room in the first Nicholas' Weird Adventure, but I was rushing to finish it and decided that a secret room wasn't really that important.
Q: What the pfargtl is that chihuahua doing there?! WHAT IS THE POINT OF THAT THING?!?!?!
A: It's mainly just there because I get amusement out of confusing people. Actually, there was this space between the pie girl's house and the bushes that looked big enough for Nicholas to walk through, but I didn't want him to be able to walk through it. I would have to redo the warp effect if I redrew the bushes to make them bigger, which would be impossible as I used the trial for Adobe After Effects to do that effect, and my trial period had expired. So, I figured I'd have a dog walk up and block the path. I I found the concept amusingly random, and started to work on the dog in question. The problem was that I didn't want to spend a long time drawing a walk cycle for something so trivial. I put off making the walk cycle and eventually came up with the idea of just having the dog rise demonically out of the ground. I would give no explanation for this within the game, and Nicholas wouldn't regard it as particularly odd. I burst into laughter on the spot imagining how confused people would be when the game was over and they still hadn't figured out why that strange chihuahua was present. I recounted my idea to Ramon (a friend since seventh grade, the composer of the game's music, and eponymous character of a certain walrus-related show), and we both just found the idea hilarious. So, in the dog went more for my amusement than for the amusement of anyone else playing the game.
Q: Is there really a rocket launcher in the game?
A: No. That was a joke. I added the rocket launcher joke way before I had ever thought of putting the chihuahua in the game, just as sort of a prank on players in the way that people made up rumors about Pokegods, only mine was supposed to be more obviously a joke.
Q: If you can't get the key to the haunted house or collect the remaining two DVDs, why did you make it look like you can?
A: The truth is, the game was originally intended to be almost two times longer than it ended up being, but after a year and a half of working on the game, I just couldn't motivate myself to work on it anymore. I was programming the fight with the cyborg fish (yes, you were originally able to fight it), but couldn't get myself motivated to finish the complex code and just decided to have the canon anticlimactically blast you out of the whale up to Morth's castle, where the game would end shortly afterward. I figured it would be funny, and it would be okay to be anticlimactic since the first game's ending was the epitome of anticlimax. Many of my favorite things have intentionally anticlimactic endings (the Monty Python movies), and I find anticlimaxes quite jocular.
Q: I'm going to PM you until you tell me where the secret room is.
A: I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about my game, but I can't tell you any more in a PM than I did in this FAQ. If you spam me, I'll block you.
Q: If you don't tell me where the secret room is, I'll hunt you down, cut you open, and make you jump rope with your own intestines!
to get to the secret room u have to get the drawing in the shop by keep on trying to take it over and over again then use the paper in the shredder and then try to play the arcade game on easy in the game you have to spin 10 time clockwise then counter clockwise 10 time then hit space 20 times then go down to the room under it will change and give you the instructions to were the secret room is. i know this by typing the crypt back words have fun finding whats in the room
Before you start playing this i just wanted to inform you that is is GAY,with all due respect (but it keeps you on the edge of you're seat with all the puzzles and mysteries.) To beat the arcade game go into the tech room and press left,left, right (buttons) and you go back and play the arcade game .(it will be 100 times easier trust me, "I have beaten it more than 10 times" Once thats done you go to the guy in the green and he will let you in, it's all a trap suposubly . and morth turns into a walrus and the game ends CONGRADUATES!!!
This is gay........... im in the tech room and i keep pressing space, but nothing is happening. i did everything up to this point. i cant solve the cryptogarm. sumone send me a walkthrough for that part. my email:
Ok you wanna know how to get 2 secret room? I will tell u how.u have 2 go 2 shop (where there is a picyure of stickman hanging on wall) but u have 2 get there before it says something about the secret room in the useless tips box then keep on asking for picture and she give it 2 u when the tip about the secret room is on usless tips
SECRET ROOM!!!!!!!!! OKay once you know how it isn't that hard....
1)restart the game 2)continue pressing space till you wake up in EUMORITOWN. 3)now hurry north one square and go into the store to the right. 4)walk up to the stick figure picture and press space. 5)dont stop pressing space until the message in the useless tips boxs saids something about how hard it is to make it to the secert room. 6)Keep pressing space and you'll get the picture :D 7)go south one square back where you started 8)go the following.....
Go into the house on the right side of the screen and talk to the girl inside. Tell her that you would like to try her pie. Then, when she asks if you like it, tell her that it could use a little more sugar. If you tell her you like it, you will enter an endless loop of confirmation until you tell her you don't like it. Afterwards, she will throw the pie into the recycle bin and run into her room crying. Take the pie and leave the house. Go up one screen to Central Eumoritown and tell the sewer guard you want to fall in. Give him the pie and he will leave. Drop down into the sewer, take the bowling ball out of the garbage pile, then go back into the beam of light. You will be back in North Eumoritown. Go left to the next screen and you will be in the front yard of the Spooky Mansion. Look at the skeleton and take the train ticket. Go right, then down, then left to the Eumoritown train station. Talk to the man in the ticket booth and tell him you have a train ticket. He'll say you missed your train ride, but he'll give you a half-refund. Go right, then up to North Eumoritown, then into the Car Wash. Let him wash and chrome your bowling ball to make the ball all shiny. Re-enter the sewer and put the shiny bowling ball into the hologram. You will enter the Walrus Temple, where you will find the location of the first DVD. Pick up the dead fish from beneath the pipe and leave the sewer. Go down two screens to the Eumoritown Docks. Talk to the fisherman and trade your dead fish for his live fish. Go up, up and right to Sea World. Show Lord Shamu-Shamu the fish and he wil swallow you.
On one of the whale's teeth, you will find a bottle. It has a message in code that tells you what order you should touch the discolored teeth in: left, right, middle, right, left, right, middle, right. You can then allow yourself to be swallowed. Examine the stomach acid and you will pick some up in your bottle. Go let one screen and use the stomach acid to dissolve the gunk. Go up to the right of the vending machine and pick up the empty bottles. Go back right one screen and into Jonah's Grille. Talk to the cashier and ask him what you can get for free. Ask him another question, then look inside the recycle bin and take the broken PRM. Take a straw from the right of the soda machine, then leave. Nicholas will realize he can use the straw as a handle for the PRM. Go back into Jonah's Grille and refill the empty bottles you found. Then leave once more, go left and use the PRM on the vending machine to make it take in the drinks and dispense money. Go back into Jonah's Grille and talk to Jonah. Buy some tumor tots and go back outside. You can then use the tots as a raft to cross Lord Shamu Shamu's stomach acid. Once you are through the small intestine, you will fall down into the large intestine where a cyborg fish will blow you away with a laser. The voice of a Sea World employee will fire you back up to fight the fish, but you are fired way too far up and out of the whale.
9)okay you'll land on a cloud. 10)enter castle 11)do to the paper shedder to the left. (press space) 12)the you are telleport to secert room.
(note don't talk to the question mark guy unless you want to leave) -Bnelrocks
If you want to go to the secret room this is how it goes: First, beafore you enter the whale, you go to the shop and keep talking to the stick-figure picture. After a while the dude will let you have it.Next you go to the whale and get to the castle. Unlock the easy mode in the video game by pressing the buttons in the tech room by right left left right. You beat the game, head over to the paper shreader and shread the drawing.You will go to the secret room. Oh yeah and it was pretty retarded going in there -___-.
Hey, Joeseph! You like lying to people? Get your KICKS messing with poor, gullibale people? I tried a clock, online stopwatch, timer, and a regular stopwatch... BUT it didn't work!!! and anonymous, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW!!!! Isn't it suspicious to everyone that there are SO MANY thories on how to get in the secret room. And Cheatmaster, NOPE!!! That's not how, tried it LITERALLY 27 times. And Bnelrocks, if that's your real screen name,which I DOUBT, and I don't think there's a rock/ mineral called Bnel, with your fancy Italics ( uh, hu...)and what-not, you're a fhwaqd (from anybody?...)
Okay, (which IS a word, O.K. is acually a "shortened" version, or a text- message version,) I give up, I saw pics ("shortened version of pictures,)of the secret rom, it's not that exciting.
In closing, the lesson here is: KICKS are not funny, (they hurt), 27 is the luckiest number ever ( you have 27 bones in your hand, the space shuttle Columbia launched 27 times before exploding, in that one mastercard commercial, "player I wish I was...:27," my birthday is on the 27th of July, in Courage the Cowerdly Dog {a cartoon} the one monster visited room # 27,Revolon has 27 colors for hair,my parents' anaversary is on the 27th, my school uses channel 27 for movies, in 27 b.c. Octavian was the first emperor of Rome,the book Tangerine takes place near highway 27,Jimmy Neutron- halloween monster maker is his 27th invention, Bionic Woman, one of her tips, SHE SAYS, is tip # 27, there are 27 amendmants to the U.S. constitution, there are 27 cubes in a Rubik's cube... look up the # on Google, there's a website with a list of 27's,) It's easy to get off track when your talking about the best number, (seriously, look it up!) Bnel is NOT a rock, like everyone thought, Italics are offensive to me, and some words that are shortend are not always abbrv. but are Text Messege talk, and fhwqads are cool. Sincerely, 272727272727272727272727272727272727272727272727272727 (look how many 27's there are)
this is to the person who made the walkthough you could had told people that after you got the the key you shold go to the opening then there is a hole to fall into after you got the key then to what it says OKAY??????????? by: mr.neighneigh
To get in the tech room, go to the food court and talk to the guy behind the counter. Then talk to the guy in a yellow shirt. He says that the bartender is actually nice on the inside. Go back and talk to the bartender and he will give you mustard and say to spray it on the guy with a yellow shirt. Instead, get out of the food court and go to the door that blocks the tech room and press space.
Okay the secret room thing works where u get the stickman thing, no kidding i got there a bunch of smileys and a man with a question mark on him. no kidding if u think its bs i'd show u any day of the week.... except saturdays :] i have to much fun those days and ud screw it all up with ur bs
1. Press Space QUICKLY at the start so you get zapped, then wake up in the other town.
2. Run STRAIGHT up to the shop in the frame 1 spot north of you.
3. Get to the picture BEFORE the useless tip about the secret room comes up.
4. Press Space VERY RAPIDLY until the shopkeeper gives the picture to you.
5. Go through the rest of the game, as normal, until you get to the first frame inside Morth's castle. Go to the paper shredder and inspect it. You will insert the picture, AND get teleported to the SECRET ROOM!!!
6. Talk to the black guy with a "?" on his head to leave and go straight to the ending with Morth.
1. Go to the Eumoritown Shop and try to take the stick figure until a tip about the secret room appears, and don't touch the red button behind the paper (or else it will not work).
2.Do all that to go to Morth's Castle.
3.Put the stick figure in the paper shredder, and you enter the secret room.
NOTE: THIS IS IMPORTANT. Don't try to get there, there's only a cloud with blue floor and a black guy, then, when you meet the black guy, he says that he is named Chris, then he teleport to the Morth scene and the game ends. It's a faggot secret room, don't try because there's nothing special (well, for cheaters, finish the game with a secret room is very, very special.)
Anybody know how to get past the video game in the castle?
umm you dont, feed the food to the guard. you have to beat it later by putting a code on the buttons in tech room but i dont know it.
The code for the buttons is a cryptogram. If you read the first blue screen on the machine in the tech room, it will give you a message with a bunch of letters and you'll see that Nicholas says "Is this a cryptogram?"
To find out what the message says, google 'cryptogram solver', then type the message into the cryptogram solver exactly the way it appears on the screen in the tech room.
Once you solve it, the message on the screen says to change the game from hard to easy, push the right button, then the left, left again, then the right button.
Once you've done that, go back and play the game again.
what do you have to do in the whale
how do you go throw the cob webs in the whale
Ugggh!!! So I decided to try this game and well, it was all fine and good until I got to the game. I fed the guard and got through that door. Now I'm stuck. The tech room is locked and the only thing that I can get into is the food court. The guard that stands infront of Mork's room hallway says that I gave to beat the game. How do I get into the tech room to change the difficulty of the game. And where is the yellow key card???
I figured it out I'm ok!! Grrr... Stupid Game...>:[]
what do you have to do after you feed the guard?
SECRET ROOM!!!!!!!!!
To get into the secret room you must hold down space bar for exactly 10 minutes and itll constantly do the first answer of both the responses that u can do. It has to be exactly 10 minutes though, if u let go of space a second before or a second after then it doesnt work. U MUST RELEASE THE SPACEBAR AT 10 MINUTES EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't get passed the tech room thing to change the arcade game from very hard to easy... and the stuff you guys are saying isnt working! helppp! seriously ive tried everything!
lil tickle
guys if you want help yeh...
heres a walkthrough...
trust me
it works
hope this helps you
Thanks for the web address! It really works!
I can't believe the dog was just for fun the whole time!
This walkthrough is meant for players to use as a final resort only when
they're really, really stuck. Or you hate cryptograms. Basically, if you
are just annoyed and not getting any fun out of playing, that's when the
walkthrough should be used.
The game starts with Nicholas walking out of the mall. The dark wizard
Morth then steals his DVD. Choose whichever responses to Morth's questions
you want; it doesn't affect the future gameplay. Afterwards, Nicholas is
teleported to Eumoritown, where he decides to reclaim the DVDs and get
Ultimate Walrus Power before Morth does.
Go into the house on the right side of the screen and talk to the girl
inside. Tell her that you would like to try her pie. Then, when she asks
if you like it, tell her that it could use a little more sugar. If you
tell her you like it, you will enter an endless loop of confirmation until
you tell her you don't like it. Afterwards, she will throw the pie into
the recycle bin and run into her room crying. Take the pie and leave the
house. Go up one screen to Central Eumoritown and tell the sewer guard you
want to fall in. Give him the pie and he will leave. Drop down into the
sewer, take the bowling ball out of the garbage pile, then go back into
the beam of light. You will be back in North Eumoritown. Go left to the
next screen and you will be in the front yard of the Spooky Mansion. Look
at the skeleton and take the train ticket. Go right, then down, then left
to the Eumoritown train station. Talk to the man in the ticket booth and
tell him you have a train ticket. He'll say you missed your train ride,
but he'll give you a half-refund. Go right, then up to North Eumoritown,
then into the Car Wash. Let him wash and chrome your bowling ball to make
the ball all shiny. Re-enter the sewer and put the shiny bowling ball into
the hologram. You will enter the Walrus Temple, where you will find the
location of the first DVD. Pick up the dead fish from beneath the pipe and
leave the sewer. Go down two screens to the Eumoritown Docks. Talk to the
fisherman and trade your dead fish for his live fish. Go up, up and right
to Sea World. Show Lord Shamu-Shamu the fish and he wil swallow you.
On one of the whale's teeth, you will find a bottle. It has a message in
code that tells you what order you should touch the discolored teeth in:
left, right, middle, right, left, right, middle, right. You can then allow
yourself to be swallowed. Examine the stomach acid and you will pick some
up in your bottle. Go let one screen and use the stomach acid to dissolve
the gunk. Go up to the right of the vending machine and pick up the empty
bottles. Go back right one screen and into Jonah's Grille. Talk to the
cashier and ask him what you can get for free. Ask him another question,
then look inside the recycle bin and take the broken PRM. Take a straw
from the right of the soda machine, then leave. Nicholas will realize he
can use the straw as a handle for the PRM. Go back into Jonah's Grille and
refill the empty bottles you found. Then leave once more, go left and use
the PRM on the vending machine to make it take in the drinks and dispense
money. Go back into Jonah's Grille and talk to Jonah. Buy some tumor tots
and go back outside. You can then use the tots as a raft to cross Lord
Shamu Shamu's stomach acid. Once you are through the small intestine, you
will fall down into the large intestine where a cyborg fish will blow you
away with a laser. The voice of a Sea World employee will fire you back up
to fight the fish, but you are fired way too far up and out of the whale.
After a brief conversation with Morth, you will enter the castle. Play his
arcade game, which it is impossible to win. Talk to the guard to the right
of the game and he'll give you the Red Key Kard in exchange for your tumor
tots. Use the Kard to open the door and enter the next room. Go left to
the food court and talk to the bartender. He likes to act mean, and won't
give you anything. Talk to the guard in the yellow shirt six times and he
will tell you that the bartender is actually a nice once you get to know
him, and just has a mean veneer. Tell the bartender about his niceness and
he'll give you mustard to squirt in the yellow-shirted guard's face to
prove how mean he is. Instead of doing what the bartender tells you, go
right one screen and examine the door to the tech room. It needs a Yellow
Key Kard to open. Nicholas will squirt the mustard onto the Red Key Kard
to turn it yellow. Go right into the tech room. On the monitor of the left
computer is a cryptogram. The key to solving it is Morth's signature on
the monitor to the right. If solved, the cryptogram tells you the order
to push the central computer's buttons to change Activenture from hard
mode to easy mode. The order is right, left, left, right. Now Activenture
is possible to beat, and in fact incredibly easy unless you deliberately
try to lose. Go back left and down into Morth's entrance hall and play
Activenture again. Take the key down one screen and enter the hole. You
have won the game, and your reward is a hearty "CONGRENDULATES!". Go up
one screen and talk to the guard in green clothing. Once he finds out you
beat the arcade game, he will explode and let you through into Morth's
Watch it for yourself. Jeez.
(In order of most to least frequently asked)
Q: So, I hear (from you) that there's a secret room in the game. Can you
give me any significant hints as to where it is?
A: The only hints I'll say are that it has something to do with the stick
figure picture in the Eumoritown shop, that you must do something many
times, you must finish exactly at the right time, and you must do another
thing much later. Then you can access the secret room.
Q: How likely is it to find the room?
A: Without any hints, nigh impossible. With that hint, still very unlikely
that you'll find it, no matter how many times you try. Still, if I said
any more, I'd give it away. <=(
Q: Does it have anything to do with the pie girl, the haunted house, the
crack in the elder's wall, the train, or the rocket launcher?
A: No.
Q: I don't think there really is a secret room. You probably just made it
up so that people would keep playing it and you'd get more hits.
A: It's really there; it's just that the likelihood of finding it is so
close to impossible that it may as well actually be impossible.
Q: If you don't expect anyone to ever find it, what's the point of making
a secret room?
A: I've always had a fascination with "secrets", particularly secret rooms
and things of the such. And not just in games. As a child, I often liked
to make up stories about how I or one of my family members found a secret
passage in our house to a hidden room. As for video games, it began with
something that any Pokemon fan of the 1990s with an internet connection
should remember: the "Pokegods". At age ten, I was on Pokemon websites all
the time, most of them crummy websites made by people slightly older than
me. There were many jokesters on these websites who liked to spread false
rumors about Pokegods, ridiculously powerful Pokemon that could only be
gotten by doing ridiculously elaborate and practically impossible things,
like beating the Elite Four thirty times without saving or healing, or
talking to someone a thousand times after you've caught all 150 Pokemon
without using a Gameshark, etc. Though I was pretty sure these were fake,
I really wanted them to be real. So, I decided that if I ever made a video
game, I would put a ridiculously hard to find secret in it for real, just
for fun. I seriously didn't expect it would drive people crazy like this.
I was originally going to put a secret room in the first Nicholas' Weird
Adventure, but I was rushing to finish it and decided that a secret room
wasn't really that important.
Q: What the pfargtl is that chihuahua doing there?! WHAT IS THE POINT OF
A: It's mainly just there because I get amusement out of confusing people.
Actually, there was this space between the pie girl's house and the bushes
that looked big enough for Nicholas to walk through, but I didn't want him
to be able to walk through it. I would have to redo the warp effect if I
redrew the bushes to make them bigger, which would be impossible as I used
the trial for Adobe After Effects to do that effect, and my trial period
had expired. So, I figured I'd have a dog walk up and block the path. I
I found the concept amusingly random, and started to work on the dog in
question. The problem was that I didn't want to spend a long time drawing
a walk cycle for something so trivial. I put off making the walk cycle and
eventually came up with the idea of just having the dog rise demonically
out of the ground. I would give no explanation for this within the game,
and Nicholas wouldn't regard it as particularly odd. I burst into laughter
on the spot imagining how confused people would be when the game was over
and they still hadn't figured out why that strange chihuahua was present.
I recounted my idea to Ramon (a friend since seventh grade, the composer
of the game's music, and eponymous character of a certain walrus-related
show), and we both just found the idea hilarious. So, in the dog went more
for my amusement than for the amusement of anyone else playing the game.
Q: Is there really a rocket launcher in the game?
A: No. That was a joke. I added the rocket launcher joke way before I had
ever thought of putting the chihuahua in the game, just as sort of a prank
on players in the way that people made up rumors about Pokegods, only mine
was supposed to be more obviously a joke.
Q: If you can't get the key to the haunted house or collect the remaining
two DVDs, why did you make it look like you can?
A: The truth is, the game was originally intended to be almost two times
longer than it ended up being, but after a year and a half of working on
the game, I just couldn't motivate myself to work on it anymore. I was
programming the fight with the cyborg fish (yes, you were originally able
to fight it), but couldn't get myself motivated to finish the complex code
and just decided to have the canon anticlimactically blast you out of the
whale up to Morth's castle, where the game would end shortly afterward. I
figured it would be funny, and it would be okay to be anticlimactic since
the first game's ending was the epitome of anticlimax. Many of my favorite
things have intentionally anticlimactic endings (the Monty Python movies),
and I find anticlimaxes quite jocular.
Q: I'm going to PM you until you tell me where the secret room is.
A: I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about my game, but I can't tell you any
more in a PM than I did in this FAQ. If you spam me, I'll block you.
Q: If you don't tell me where the secret room is, I'll hunt you down, cut
you open, and make you jump rope with your own intestines!
thanks :)
omg how to u get into the frekin room. hes got to tell us!!!!
lol no he doesnt i know how
to get to the secret room u have to get the drawing in the shop by keep on trying to take it over and over again then use the paper in the shredder and then try to play the arcade game on easy in the game you have to spin 10 time clockwise then counter clockwise 10 time then hit space 20 times then go down to the room under it will change and give you the instructions to were the secret room is. i know this by typing the crypt back words
have fun finding whats in the room
Here is a picture of the secret room. I dont know how to get in it but I edited the .SWF file in adobe flash and found it.
Picture :
Incase you cant see the end of that link, then end is:
Before you start playing this i just wanted to inform you that is is GAY,with all due respect (but it keeps you on the edge of you're seat with all the puzzles and mysteries.) To beat the arcade game go into the tech room and press left,left, right (buttons) and you go back and play the arcade game .(it will be 100 times easier trust me, "I have beaten it more than 10 times" Once thats done you go to the guy in the green and he will let you in, it's all a trap suposubly . and morth turns into a walrus and the game ends CONGRADUATES!!!
This is gay........... im in the tech room and i keep pressing space, but nothing is happening. i did everything up to this point. i cant solve the cryptogarm. sumone send me a walkthrough for that part. my email:
how do u solve the cryptogram?
Ok you wanna know how to get 2 secret room?
I will tell u how.u have 2 go 2 shop (where there is a picyure of stickman hanging on wall) but u have 2 get there before it says something about the secret room in the useless tips box then keep on asking for picture and she give it 2 u when the tip about the secret room is on usless tips
Oh and when you get 2 castle u put the paper in paper shredder THEN U GO 2 SECRET ROOM
and for the cryptogram thingy u press 3rd button then 1st button twice then 3rd button again
I FOUNDED THE SECRET ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how can u people not figure out this game..? It Is so super easy!! I beat it it like 15 mins..
SECRET ROOM!!!!!!!!!
OKay once you know how it isn't that hard....
1)restart the game
2)continue pressing space till you wake up in EUMORITOWN.
3)now hurry north one square and go into the store to the right.
4)walk up to the stick figure picture and press space.
5)dont stop pressing space until the message in the useless tips boxs saids something about how hard it is to make it to the secert room.
6)Keep pressing space and you'll get the picture :D
7)go south one square back where you started
8)go the following.....
Go into the house on the right side of the screen and talk to the girl
inside. Tell her that you would like to try her pie. Then, when she asks
if you like it, tell her that it could use a little more sugar. If you
tell her you like it, you will enter an endless loop of confirmation until
you tell her you don't like it. Afterwards, she will throw the pie into
the recycle bin and run into her room crying. Take the pie and leave the
house. Go up one screen to Central Eumoritown and tell the sewer guard you
want to fall in. Give him the pie and he will leave. Drop down into the
sewer, take the bowling ball out of the garbage pile, then go back into
the beam of light. You will be back in North Eumoritown. Go left to the
next screen and you will be in the front yard of the Spooky Mansion. Look
at the skeleton and take the train ticket. Go right, then down, then left
to the Eumoritown train station. Talk to the man in the ticket booth and
tell him you have a train ticket. He'll say you missed your train ride,
but he'll give you a half-refund. Go right, then up to North Eumoritown,
then into the Car Wash. Let him wash and chrome your bowling ball to make
the ball all shiny. Re-enter the sewer and put the shiny bowling ball into
the hologram. You will enter the Walrus Temple, where you will find the
location of the first DVD. Pick up the dead fish from beneath the pipe and
leave the sewer. Go down two screens to the Eumoritown Docks. Talk to the
fisherman and trade your dead fish for his live fish. Go up, up and right
to Sea World. Show Lord Shamu-Shamu the fish and he wil swallow you.
On one of the whale's teeth, you will find a bottle. It has a message in
code that tells you what order you should touch the discolored teeth in:
left, right, middle, right, left, right, middle, right. You can then allow
yourself to be swallowed. Examine the stomach acid and you will pick some
up in your bottle. Go let one screen and use the stomach acid to dissolve
the gunk. Go up to the right of the vending machine and pick up the empty
bottles. Go back right one screen and into Jonah's Grille. Talk to the
cashier and ask him what you can get for free. Ask him another question,
then look inside the recycle bin and take the broken PRM. Take a straw
from the right of the soda machine, then leave. Nicholas will realize he
can use the straw as a handle for the PRM. Go back into Jonah's Grille and
refill the empty bottles you found. Then leave once more, go left and use
the PRM on the vending machine to make it take in the drinks and dispense
money. Go back into Jonah's Grille and talk to Jonah. Buy some tumor tots
and go back outside. You can then use the tots as a raft to cross Lord
Shamu Shamu's stomach acid. Once you are through the small intestine, you
will fall down into the large intestine where a cyborg fish will blow you
away with a laser. The voice of a Sea World employee will fire you back up
to fight the fish, but you are fired way too far up and out of the whale.
9)okay you'll land on a cloud.
10)enter castle
11)do to the paper shedder to the left. (press space)
12)the you are telleport to secert room.
(note don't talk to the question mark guy unless you want to leave)
s that easy enough to understand ?
If you want to go to the secret room this is how it goes: First, beafore you enter the whale, you go to the shop and keep talking to the stick-figure picture. After a while the dude will let you have it.Next you go to the whale and get to the castle. Unlock the easy mode in the video game by pressing the buttons in the tech room by right left left right. You beat the game, head over to the paper shreader and shread the drawing.You will go to the secret room. Oh yeah and it was pretty retarded going in there -___-.
what a bad ending xD
i put the **** paper in shreddy tingy and guess what? NO ******** ROOM!!!!!!! AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooohh you win the game first!...... still stupid
you spelt "before" wrong
theres no point to the secret room all it is is some guy sittig and teleporting you to the evil guy with the dvds
Hey, Joeseph! You like lying to people? Get your KICKS messing with poor, gullibale people? I tried a clock, online stopwatch, timer, and a regular stopwatch... BUT it didn't work!!! and anonymous, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW!!!! Isn't it suspicious to everyone that there are SO MANY thories on how to get in the secret room. And Cheatmaster, NOPE!!! That's not how, tried it LITERALLY 27 times. And Bnelrocks, if that's your real screen name,which I DOUBT, and I don't think there's a rock/ mineral called Bnel, with your fancy Italics ( uh, hu...)and what-not, you're a fhwaqd (from anybody?...)
Okay, (which IS a word, O.K. is acually a "shortened" version, or a text- message version,) I give up, I saw pics ("shortened version of pictures,)of the secret rom, it's not that exciting.
In closing, the lesson here is: KICKS are not funny, (they hurt), 27 is the luckiest number ever ( you have 27 bones in your hand, the space shuttle Columbia launched 27 times before exploding, in that one mastercard commercial, "player I wish I was...:27," my birthday is on the 27th of July, in Courage the Cowerdly Dog {a cartoon} the one monster visited room # 27,Revolon has 27 colors for hair,my parents' anaversary is on the 27th, my school uses channel 27 for movies, in 27 b.c. Octavian was the first emperor of Rome,the book Tangerine takes place near highway 27,Jimmy Neutron- halloween monster maker is his 27th invention, Bionic Woman, one of her tips, SHE SAYS, is tip # 27, there are 27 amendmants to the U.S. constitution, there are 27 cubes in a Rubik's cube... look up the # on Google, there's a website with a list of 27's,) It's easy to get off track when your talking about the best number, (seriously, look it up!) Bnel is NOT a rock, like everyone thought, Italics are offensive to me, and some words that are shortend are not always abbrv. but are Text Messege talk, and fhwqads are cool.
272727272727272727272727272727272727272727272727272727 (look how many 27's there are)
Secret Room plz?
this is to the person who made the walkthough you could had told people that after you got the the key you shold go to the opening then there is a hole to fall into after you got the key then to what it says OKAY??????????? by: mr.neighneigh
to mr.neighneigh you spelled sould wrong
To get in the tech room, go to the food court and talk to the guy behind the counter. Then talk to the guy in a yellow shirt. He says that the bartender is actually nice on the inside. Go back and talk to the bartender and he will give you mustard and say to spray it on the guy with a yellow shirt. Instead, get out of the food court and go to the door that blocks the tech room and press space.
Okay the secret room thing works where u get the stickman thing, no kidding i got there a bunch of smileys and a man with a question mark on him. no kidding if u think its bs i'd show u any day of the week.... except saturdays :] i have to much fun those days and ud screw it all up with ur bs
To get to the secret room:
1. Press Space QUICKLY at the start so you get zapped, then wake up in the other town.
2. Run STRAIGHT up to the shop in the frame 1 spot north of you.
3. Get to the picture BEFORE the useless tip about the secret room comes up.
4. Press Space VERY RAPIDLY until the shopkeeper gives the picture to you.
5. Go through the rest of the game, as normal, until you get to the first frame inside Morth's castle. Go to the paper shredder and inspect it. You will insert the picture, AND get teleported to the SECRET ROOM!!!
6. Talk to the black guy with a "?" on his head to leave and go straight to the ending with Morth.
I know how to go to the secret room:
1. Go to the Eumoritown Shop and try to take the stick figure until a tip about the secret room appears, and don't touch the red button behind the paper (or else it will not work).
2.Do all that to go to Morth's Castle.
3.Put the stick figure in the paper shredder, and you enter the secret room.
NOTE: THIS IS IMPORTANT. Don't try to get there, there's only a cloud with blue floor and a black guy, then, when you meet the black guy, he says that he is named Chris, then he teleport to the Morth scene and the game ends. It's a faggot secret room, don't try because there's nothing special (well, for cheaters, finish the game with a secret room is very, very special.)
------SECRET ROOM-------
1) go to the shop
2) examine the stick figure 49 times
note: do this BEFORE the "useless tips" says the tip about the secret room
3) examine the stick figure 2-3 more times WHILE the "useless tips" gives you the (quite useless) tip about the secret room
4) the shopkeeper will say something about your liking the picture and he will let you have it.
5) DO NOT press the button where the picture used to be.
6) with the stick figure in your inventory, play through the rest of the game until you get to Morth's entrance hall
7) examine the paper shredder. you will shred the stickman.
8) you get teleported to the secret room!
note: if you pressed the button, it will just say that nothing happened
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