Monster Basement is another scary escape game. Search for hidden clues and items to escape the monsters basement before it returns! Click here to play
I have not yet completed this game, but i can give the tip that you need to look on top and on the lower right hand side of the refridgerators in the side room with the monster. I can also tell you to look at the lower left hand side of the bookshelf to find part of the contraption. Finally, if you have not yet figured it out, you can call SALVATION (725828466) to get part of the contraption. I have gotten 4 parts to it, and I THINK that there are 5.
To get into the side room you need to get the ax and the light bulb. To get the ax you need to pick up the spray bottle from the trash can and fill it with the "lethal substance" found on the table above it. Once you have this you can spray the flies with it and get the ax and turn off the lights. Now you need to look in the 2nd drawer of the desk to find the handyman's number(944521644). Call this to get the screwdriver. Use the screwdriver on the light above you to get the light bulb. Now go to the door of the side room and chop it up with the ax. Now you have to put the light bulb in the socket in the ceiling, but once you do be ready and quick to kill the monster with the ax. That is how, in great detail, you get into the side room. :)
1. From beginning screen, turn right once. 2. Click on stairs. 3. Click on bottom left of first poster. Get Green Key. Go back to room. 4. Click right once. Click on top left book on shelf. 5. Click in lower left corner outside of book shelf. 6. Take gold piece. 7. Click back to room, go right until looking at phone. 8. Goto second drawer and take Handyman note. 9. Look in trash can under right part of table. Take purple bottle and crumpled piece of paper. 10. Go back to room, click on vials on right side of table. 11. Take gold piece on table. 12. Use purple bottle in inventory, and fill with red bubbling liquid. 13. Read crumpled piece of paper. 14. Go back to room and click on phone. 15. Dial Salvation (725828466) 16. Hang up phone, go right twice, and spray flies with purple bottle. 17. Take Axe and turn off lights. 18. Click on stairs, get note from Salvation, and open it, and take item. 19. Go back to phone and dial handyman (944521644) 20. Go back to stairs and take handyman package, open and take item. 19. Go back to room. Open book with green key, take gold key. 20. Look up at cieling and use handyman tool to open lights and take lightbulb. 20. Go back to room and turn to face wooden door, and break down with Axe. Go into door. 21. Use lightbulb, and place in dark circle on cieling. 22. Use Axe to kill monster. 23. Click on top of fridge to the left and take silver key. 24. Click on lower right of fridge and take gold piece. 25. Go back to main room and face table with phone and drawers. 26. Use gold key on lower drawer and take gold piece. 27. Turn to face book shelf and click on golden circle. 28. Use gold pieces in order and place in circle. Once complete, take Salvation gift and place on golden object. 29. With eye open turn to face wall with pictures and shadow of "fish". 30. Click on tip of "fish" shadow to focus in. Repeatedly click above where the tip is until wall opens. 26. Take vial and heart. 27. Turn to phone and answer it. 28. Turn to cage and open with silver key. 29. Click on red blanket. Then click it again to take it. 30. Turn to door with stairs. 31. Use blanket to cover flies. 32. Click on stairs and hang heart on first hook. 33. Go back to room and face the cage. Give red bottle to dead guy.
I'm pissed, I've clicked all over that damn wall for like an hour and I do not see anything that would be a "fish"... I hate this game... only because I can't beat it
on the left side of the cabinet where the gold thing is, click on the lower left hand side to find the 4th piece then it will power up reveling the fish ( : > D.J
all you anonymous looking for the fish....perhaps if you did it in order, you'd find it. They contraption has to be complete with the salvation army item in place before the eye will cast the "fish" shadow on the wall opposite
Everyone who is looking for last piece (right handle) of golden contraption -
If you click on the left-hand bottom of the bookcase, the other handle will be there.
I really liked the "Salvation is here" bit, and also the ending. I remember playing an unfinished version without some of the text or any of the monsters, and you just escaped, so it was confusing at first...
Oh, and Map_Ext: there ARE five pieces, four are the golden pieces (base, "egg", left and right handles, and the fifth is the fish-shaped, twisted piece of metal that you get from the Salvation Army envelope.
crap i need a LIGHTBULB HELP and the phone scared me when it said handy man on the way.. so far i have a "eyever" a green key and the note of the phone number for handy man.. HELP!!!!! plzzzzzzzz this is hard
ooops.i completed d's not so scary......if u really wanna get scared out just go to google...type 'EXMORTIS'and play d's damn scary yaar......
For the fish shadow... Place the fish like object(the one Salvation gave you) in the gold pieces(in the bookshelf) then an eye will open. Turn to the paintings and click the fish shadow to zoom in and repeatedly click its tip to open the wall.
I have not yet completed this game, but i can give the tip that you need to look on top and on the lower right hand side of the refridgerators in the side room with the monster. I can also tell you to look at the lower left hand side of the bookshelf to find part of the contraption. Finally, if you have not yet figured it out, you can call SALVATION (725828466) to get part of the contraption. I have gotten 4 parts to it, and I THINK that there are 5.
Hey can you say how you got to that room?
To get into the side room you need to get the ax and the light bulb. To get the ax you need to pick up the spray bottle from the trash can and fill it with the "lethal substance" found on the table above it. Once you have this you can spray the flies with it and get the ax and turn off the lights. Now you need to look in the 2nd drawer of the desk to find the handyman's number(944521644). Call this to get the screwdriver. Use the screwdriver on the light above you to get the light bulb. Now go to the door of the side room and chop it up with the ax. Now you have to put the light bulb in the socket in the ceiling, but once you do be ready and quick to kill the monster with the ax. That is how, in great detail, you get into the side room. :)
There is a complete walkthrough on this website about 1/2 to 3/4 down the page.
1. From beginning screen, turn right once.
2. Click on stairs.
3. Click on bottom left of first poster. Get Green Key. Go back to room.
4. Click right once. Click on top left book on shelf.
5. Click in lower left corner outside of book shelf.
6. Take gold piece.
7. Click back to room, go right until looking at phone.
8. Goto second drawer and take Handyman note.
9. Look in trash can under right part of table. Take purple bottle and crumpled piece of paper.
10. Go back to room, click on vials on right side of table.
11. Take gold piece on table.
12. Use purple bottle in inventory, and fill with red bubbling liquid.
13. Read crumpled piece of paper.
14. Go back to room and click on phone.
15. Dial Salvation (725828466)
16. Hang up phone, go right twice, and spray flies with purple bottle.
17. Take Axe and turn off lights.
18. Click on stairs, get note from Salvation, and open it, and take item.
19. Go back to phone and dial handyman (944521644)
20. Go back to stairs and take handyman package, open and take item.
19. Go back to room. Open book with green key, take gold key.
20. Look up at cieling and use handyman tool to open lights and take lightbulb.
20. Go back to room and turn to face wooden door, and break down with Axe. Go into door.
21. Use lightbulb, and place in dark circle on cieling.
22. Use Axe to kill monster.
23. Click on top of fridge to the left and take silver key.
24. Click on lower right of fridge and take gold piece.
25. Go back to main room and face table with phone and drawers.
26. Use gold key on lower drawer and take gold piece.
27. Turn to face book shelf and click on golden circle.
28. Use gold pieces in order and place in circle. Once complete, take Salvation gift and place on golden object.
29. With eye open turn to face wall with pictures and shadow of "fish".
30. Click on tip of "fish" shadow to focus in. Repeatedly click above where the tip is until wall opens.
26. Take vial and heart.
27. Turn to phone and answer it.
28. Turn to cage and open with silver key.
29. Click on red blanket. Then click it again to take it.
30. Turn to door with stairs.
31. Use blanket to cover flies.
32. Click on stairs and hang heart on first hook.
33. Go back to room and face the cage. Give red bottle to dead guy.
Um dude i didn't understand u after number 28. what ru talking about?
tar for making tht list :)
I can't get the key from behind the fridge!!!
dude the endings beast, im out
easiest game ever
i cant find the "fish" shadow r is it
It wont go to handyman!!!!!!!!
Thanks guys.. I couldn't have done it without help. I got half way there :D
Cool game!
dude when u turn off light i looked at farmer i nearly died lol
that was the weirdest game ive ever played.
What is the shadow of a fish i cant see it IM BLIND nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
wheres the fish shadow
So what I'm a monster? Yuck!!!!!
I'm pissed, I've clicked all over that damn wall for like an hour and I do not see anything that would be a "fish"... I hate this game... only because I can't beat it
I am missing the last gold pieve...the right side handle thingy..where is it!!!
how do you get salvation phone number?
what fish!
cant find the FISH!!!!!!
on the left side of the cabinet where the gold thing is, click on the lower left hand side to find the 4th piece then it will power up reveling the fish ( : > D.J
you have to keep on clickin on the shadow of the fish, where the paintings are, oposite the eye which has to be turned on
all you anonymous looking for the fish....perhaps if you did it in order, you'd find it. They contraption has to be complete with the salvation army item in place before the eye will cast the "fish" shadow on the wall opposite
Everyone who is looking for last piece (right handle) of golden contraption -
If you click on the left-hand bottom of the bookcase, the other handle will be there.
I really liked the "Salvation is here" bit, and also the ending. I remember playing an unfinished version without some of the text or any of the monsters, and you just escaped, so it was confusing at first...
Oh, and Map_Ext: there ARE five pieces, four are the golden pieces (base, "egg", left and right handles, and the fifth is the fish-shaped, twisted piece of metal that you get from the Salvation Army envelope.
The ending rocks!I never saw it comeing!
crap i need a LIGHTBULB HELP and the phone scared me when it said handy man on the way.. so far i have a "eyever" a green key and the note of the phone number for handy man.. HELP!!!!! plzzzzzzzz this is hard
I lavett...!ahaha!
that was quite creepy, specially the farmer pic, i jumped a mile! =|
all good though =D
how we get salvation number...where it is mentioned
so easy and fun! i wish the ending was better though...
ooops.i completed d's not so scary......if u really wanna get scared out just go to google...type 'EXMORTIS'and play d's damn scary yaar......
where ... no how do you find the crappy left handle???i no where to find it but i cant get it?!?!
I'm only halfway through the game, in the other room, after killing the Vile Mud, I can't seem to get the key stated in #24. i wonder why?
HA i beat it alone, the "fish" isn`t actually a fish, ok u guys u know that savlantion army tool u put in front of the eye... ya, it`ll be that shadow
im stuck with a green key and 3 peices
this game is easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and kinda fun
w tf so at the end your really a monstor and the guy thats also a monstor wants to kill monstors
what thing do u have 2 put in front of 'the eye"
For the fish shadow...
Place the fish like object(the one Salvation gave you) in the gold pieces(in the bookshelf) then an eye will open. Turn to the paintings and click the fish shadow to zoom in and repeatedly click its tip to open the wall.
hey, i cant get the golden piece from the fridge D= help please!!
i cant get the piece from under the fridge its takeing me out of the room
good game
To get the peice under the fridge click just above the hand of the monster on the fridge corner
yay!!!!!!!i passed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh ya when u r looking for fish shadow click circle on egg on book i can not beleve i was a monster
WTF? Its A Really Nice Game!
the wall wont open!!
wheres the fish?? :(
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