Scene with bed: 1 under blanket 1 behind bed table 1 under bed origami 1 inside bed table
1 number on oil lamp (Yellow) 1 number on yarn under bed (Green) 1 number in centre of 4 red dot (Blue)
* Get Samurai sword from under the bed - left leg (knock couple of times)
Scene with window: 1 on the bottom right side of the shelve 1 between purple tower 1 in toster (got to click real fast before the toast pop back in) 1 under table (got to move all object up & click on table to get it; glass, candle, bottle & table)
1 number on curling iron (Purple)
* Safe behind picture (use samuri sword found under bed left leg to cut the hanging string); put the puzzle pieces into the black box on the safe
Scene with door: 1 inside the make up kit lining 1 on the left top sleve of green jacket (click the clumb & move it down) 1 inside summer dress (turn behind & unzip) 1 between seat (where the middle vertical line meet the bottom horizontal line; NOT the top line where it form a cross but below) 1 inside vibrator which is hidden under the pregnant dress & red underwear (use nail file-inside make up kit)
1 number on white shoes (White) 1 number inside compact power which can be found inside make up kit (Red)
* Get Nail file from the make up kit (Red bag on dressing table); also get D-cup bra inside the dresser (the 1 with a red flower in the middle).
Scene with tree: 1 behind the leaf 1 inside coconut (use samuri sword)
* Turn on the TV & note the colour sequence (Purple, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue & White); You'll need it later.
=> Put all puzzle pieces into the black box on the safe & complete the sliding puzzle.
Get a mallet/hammer from the safe & use it on torn wall beside the TV. Knock it till you see the safe.
Get rope from 3 drawer of the bedside table & use it on the safe.
According to the TV colour sequence, input the numbers you have found according. Get Magic wand.
Use Magic wand on Samuri sword & turn it into "a strong samurai sword". Use it on side & bottom metal bars of the window.
Use Magic wand on D-cup bra & turn it into a "gigantic woman's bra". Use bra on window & you are out!
Tile in the Jacket. In the middle of the left arm there's a black little tiny thing. Click it and it's moving down. When it have reached the bottom you will see the tile :D Hope you understood it, ;)
to get the piece inside the lining of the make up kit use the samurai sword on the upper tear that is sewn p with blue string it will fall and reveal the puzzle piece
I love this game !! It rocks seriously. and it sux at times okey bye lol
how do u beat this???
Scene with bed:
1 under blanket
1 behind bed table
1 under bed origami
1 inside bed table
1 number on oil lamp (Yellow)
1 number on yarn under bed (Green)
1 number in centre of 4 red dot (Blue)
* Get Samurai sword from under the bed - left leg (knock couple of times)
Scene with window:
1 on the bottom right side of the shelve
1 between purple tower
1 in toster (got to click real fast before the toast pop back in)
1 under table (got to move all object up & click on table to get it; glass, candle, bottle & table)
1 number on curling iron (Purple)
* Safe behind picture (use samuri sword found under bed left leg to cut the hanging string); put the puzzle pieces into the black box on the safe
Scene with door:
1 inside the make up kit lining
1 on the left top sleve of green jacket (click the clumb & move it down)
1 inside summer dress (turn behind & unzip)
1 between seat (where the middle vertical line meet the bottom horizontal line; NOT the top line where it form a cross but below)
1 inside vibrator which is hidden under the pregnant dress & red underwear (use nail file-inside make up kit)
1 number on white shoes (White)
1 number inside compact power which can be found inside make up kit (Red)
* Get Nail file from the make up kit (Red bag on dressing table); also get D-cup bra inside the dresser (the 1 with a red flower in the middle).
Scene with tree:
1 behind the leaf
1 inside coconut (use samuri sword)
* Turn on the TV & note the colour sequence (Purple, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue & White); You'll need it later.
=> Put all puzzle pieces into the black box on the safe & complete the sliding puzzle.
Get a mallet/hammer from the safe & use it on
torn wall beside the TV. Knock it till you see the safe.
Get rope from 3 drawer of the bedside table & use it on the safe.
According to the TV colour sequence, input the numbers you have found according. Get Magic wand.
Use Magic wand on Samuri sword & turn it into "a strong samurai sword". Use it on side & bottom metal bars of the window.
Use Magic wand on D-cup bra & turn it into a "gigantic woman's bra". Use bra on window & you are out!
The End. ;D
someone plz help me find the tile in the jacket... wat is the clumb of the jacket??? like wat do i pull down.. someone plz help!! plz plz plz!
Tile in the Jacket. In the middle of the left arm there's a black little tiny thing. Click it and it's moving down. When it have reached the bottom you will see the tile :D Hope you understood it, ;)
I can't find the card inside makeup kit lining, where should I look ? / A girl who want's to know...
to get the piece inside the lining of the make up kit use the samurai sword on the upper tear that is sewn p with blue string it will fall and reveal the puzzle piece
i cant see any tiny black thing to pull down on green jacket please some one explain :(
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