Sunday, January 6, 2008

Goliath the Soothsayer

Goliath the Soothsayer Cheats, Walkthrough, SolutionsGoliath the Soothsayer is another point-n-click adventure game from "It started a week ago… My brother had been missing for the better half of a year and we had all but given up any hope of finding him alive. It was as if he just suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth leaving everything behind.

During the first night in my brother’s house, strange noises and dark whispers plagues my sleep. I remember running in my vain attempts to escape the horror nestled deep in my dreams. And I awoke the following morning – not in the bed to which I felt victim to exhaustion – but on the cold wooden floor of the attic…I’ve been here in the attic for days…

All that I know is that I must now escape this prison and find a way to release myself and my brother’s soul from the bondage of this evil.

Somewhere in this house, the answer waits for me…"

Click here to play


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