click on koala click on bottom screen click on letter click letter again click back button go left twice click dog talk to dog go right 3 times and get in the cart when get out off cart go in to travel shop he say its to much money go right click on little shop thing says £5 for 60 day he will say to long go right again and click on bridge ur sitting by water now click water talk to seal he says he will take u but u need cloths go back to ur house where u started click up top off middle tree go into house take the bag the money the shoes the earmuffs the coat and hat click on koala to go back out click bottom off tree to get down go back to where u get off the cart click on 3rf store drag gloves to the bird and click on ur bag then click on the money then on the bird ull end up out side the shop go to the seal again he will ask u if u ready if u are not he wont let u go click yes click on the koala to get on seals back first one done click to go to next one when u get on land the seal tells u to talk to the penguin click on the bag and put on coat and hat and earmuffs and shoes and gloves click left and talk to penguin he gives u a key and code click on it go right 3 times u come to a snow van click on key in ur bag then click on van door click on door to get out of van and click on the gun in right corner click on red arrow just beside the feet to left of koala click the snow twice u make a snow man click on earmuffs and hat and put snow man on top off head put back on hat and earmuffs click left and click on ride click the code u got from the penguin and click the picture off the tree some off the code is now fillrd in the code is 20 15 14 18 12
bag has to be closed or u will go no where the bag will appear click on gun then on u shoot the balls of flame ull gone to a taxi rank go inside talk to the bear he will ask u for the letter take off gloves and coat and click the pocket he says he will call santa click the phone put back on ur coat and gloves go left u go for a ride with some dogs but on gets tired click on him then drag him to where u where then drag u to where he was click screen click on snow by door they all go in take off ur cloths take a hat it say u have to put one on the dogs 2 white dog red brown dog blue yellow for koala green for light brown
click on door welcome to santas house click on cake click on every one with a hat like urs even the bat and say merry christmas they are all eating cake click the table a few times to u get another cake up the click the cake again they will eat it again click on santa he has a present click on it u want to deliver a present he tells u to put back on ur cloths and wait out side click on koala put the christmas cloths on where u got the hats in same order click door to go out side click on the the suport where the dogs go right to left click on back off santa ull sit behind him a map comes up click on on bear from taxi place click on chimley click on the stocking u go to map again click on penguin click on chimley click on stocking ur at map again click on the whale click the stockings ur at map again click on where the seal click stock click on bird click on bird shop click on travel shop stocking click lizard click on stocks click on dog click on stock click on kankaroo click on stock twice click on the koalas home drag him out and put him near his house click on him to return the cloths to santa santa gose click on top off tree middle one in ur house click the bag click on present click on u click on present u get a jigsaw puzzle click puzzle and make it up be carefull if u hide a piece behind another u have to start again its a picture off u and all the people u meet there is a click here for an special ending ill let u do that on ur own
"Koala´s Journey 2006"
walkthrough :
click on koala
click on bottom screen
click on letter
click letter again
click back button
go left twice
click dog
talk to dog
go right 3 times and get in the cart
when get out off cart go in to travel shop he say its to much money
go right click on little shop thing says £5 for 60 day he will say to long
go right again and click on bridge
ur sitting by water now click water talk to seal
he says he will take u but u need cloths go back to ur house where u started
click up top off middle tree go into house
take the bag the money the shoes the earmuffs the coat and hat
click on koala to go back out
click bottom off tree to get down
go back to where u get off the cart
click on 3rf store
drag gloves to the bird
and click on ur bag then click on the money then on the bird
ull end up out side the shop go to the seal again
he will ask u if u ready if u are not he wont let u go click yes
click on the koala to get on seals back
first one done
click to go to next one
when u get on land the seal tells u to talk to the penguin
click on the bag and put on coat and hat and earmuffs and shoes and gloves
click left and talk to penguin
he gives u a key and code click on it
go right 3 times
u come to a snow van click on key in ur bag then click on van door
click on door to get out of van and click on the gun in right corner
click on red arrow
just beside the feet to left of koala click the snow twice
u make a snow man
click on earmuffs and hat and put snow man on top off head
put back on hat and earmuffs
click left and click on ride
click the code u got from the penguin and click the picture off the tree
some off the code is now fillrd in the code is 20 15
14 18 12
bag has to be closed or u will go no where
the bag will appear click on gun then on u
shoot the balls of flame
ull gone to a taxi rank go inside
talk to the bear he will ask u for the letter
take off gloves and coat and click the pocket
he says he will call santa click the phone
put back on ur coat and gloves
go left
u go for a ride with some dogs but on gets tired click on him then drag him to where u where then drag u to where he was click screen
click on snow by door
they all go in
take off ur cloths
take a hat it say u have to put one on the dogs 2
white dog red
brown dog blue
yellow for koala
green for light brown
click on door
welcome to santas house click on cake
click on every one with a hat like urs even the bat and say merry christmas
they are all eating cake
click the table a few times to u get another cake up the click the cake again they will eat it again
click on santa
he has a present click on it
u want to deliver a present he tells u to put back on ur cloths and wait out side
click on koala
put the christmas cloths on where u got the hats in same order
click door to go out side
click on the the suport where the dogs go right to left
click on back off santa ull sit behind him
a map comes up click on on bear from taxi place
click on chimley
click on the stocking
u go to map again click on penguin
click on chimley
click on stocking
ur at map again click on the whale
click the stockings
ur at map again click on where the seal
click stock
click on bird
click on bird shop
click on travel shop stocking
click lizard
click on stocks
click on dog
click on stock
click on kankaroo
click on stock twice
click on the koalas home
drag him out and put him near his house
click on him to return the cloths to santa
santa gose click on top off tree middle one
in ur house click the bag click on present click on u
click on present
u get a jigsaw puzzle
click puzzle
and make it up
be carefull if u hide a piece behind another u have to start again
its a picture off u and all the people u meet
there is a click here for an special ending
ill let u do that on ur own
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