Melting Mindz releases Super sneaky spy guy Sails the Seven Seas! You and your wife are on a cruise celebrating your 6th anniversary. You are hoping to spend some well deserved time with your wife, but you are super sneaky spy guy and you never know what will happen on your romantic voyage!
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1. go R. click on turkey.
2. L, D, D, R, R, U. Click on key on top of wine holder.
3. R. Click on paper on bar. Read it.
4. L, D, D, R. Take notice of the yellow thing on the wall.
5. L, L. Pick up silver dollar. Look on back.
6. L. Pick up remote below the cupboard.
7. R, R, R. Notice the letters that the silver dollar pointed out.
8. L, D. Move bag and pick up flippers.
9. Use key on room 69.
10. R, R. Turn on faucet till message shows up on mirror.
11. L, L, U, U, L, L, U, U, R, R. Use key on elevator.
12. U. Move loose floor board on patio floor. Pick up regulator.
13. U. Pick up wallet on table. Look at wallet and take key card.
14. U. Click on mirror/light in the middle of the screen. It lands on a gold key. Pick it up.
15. L, L. Buy pina colada. Click on pina colada in inventory. Click on straw. Get paper. ROB GROY.
16. R. Click on room 69 key card. Click on bar code till you see a number. Make each color on the grid on deck 2 add up to each number corresponding with that color. Answer:
. Click on red button. The engine room is now unlocked.
17. R, D, L. Use gold key on door to get goggles.
18. D, D. Pick up tank. Use regulator with tank. Throw turkey in water. Go in the water.
19. Take shell and get out of water.
20. Click on shell in inventory. Click it till a pearl comes out.
21. R, U, U. Click the thing in the upper left corner to turn on the switch. Click each valve till all the lights turn green. Make sure you hear a beep otherwise it's not working. Each valve is in groups of three so work on it that way. Here's the answer: http://melting-mindz.com/help12.jpg
The engines are running now.
22. D, D, L, L. Click on screen in upper left corner. Engines on.
23. R, U, R, D, D, L, L, D. Put pearl in the pipe.
24. D. Pick up killswitch.
25. R, R, D, D. Use key card for room 67.
26. L, L. Click on laptop. Unscramble letters from other room with yellow thing on the wall. Answer:
. Take note of what location it gives.
27. R, R, U, U, L. Click on laptop and type in that location. Answer:
Monterrey, Mexico
. Take note of the coordinates.
28. L, U, U, R, R, U, U, R. Use pina coloda clue. Answer:
Red Orange Blue Green Red Orange Yellow
Click enter.
29. U. Click on blue thing on the wall. Take note of the letters for each bar.
30. L. Click on desk. Unscramble letters from blue thing for password. Answer:
. Click on enter.
31. R. Click on device next to chair. Enter latitude and longitude from the laptop. Answer:
Latitude: 25 Longitude: 100
32. U, L, L, D. Use killswitch on jetski.
33. U, U. Click on necklace. You're done!
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