Virdian Room is one of the Fasco-cs games which made by Toshimitsu Takagi. You have to search the room, find items and clues to escape from the room. You can examine items by clicking About Item buton.
1.Click the small white light switch to turn on the lights. 2. Go to the red shelves and get the card underneasth the slippers. 3.Click under the shelf to get a frame. 4.Go to the pillows and lift up both to get another card. 5.Click on the red blanket to reveal a skeleton. 6. Click around his left hand and he will drop a key. 7.Get the blue tub from his right hand. 8.Pick up the blanket. 9.Go to "About Item" and click on the blanket several times to reveal a green dice net. 10.Go to the large cupboard and open the doors at the bottom. 11.Get the yellow book and take out the photo's. 12.Click on the top shelf, click left to get another card, and right to find some incense. 13.Click to see the crimson room door, and click on the light. 14.Get the card on the far wall and on top of the lamp. 15.Open the fridge, lift the rotten meat and get the card. Leave the beer to cool for now. 16.Go to the bin and get the paper with hair on inside it. 17.Go to "About Item" and look at the hair. 18.Lift up the bin and get the lighter. 19.Look at the hair, click on the lighter and click on the hair over and over until a clear image of dice has appeared, and it won't go any darker. 20.Draw this diagram EXACTLY on some paper. 21.Go back to the red book on the cabinet and open it with the key. 22.Look through until the end of it to find a C.D. 23.Open the C.D case and put the C.D in it. 24.Open the blue tub the skeleton had and look at the paper inside. Copey down the symbols EXACTLY. (Note they are in the same formation as the dice the hair was on.) 25.Compare the two diagrams and make note of chinese symbols that match the numbers. EXAMPLE:
[o][p] [ ][+] The numbers on [t][y][r][d] [ ][h][k][ ] the right, match [k][g][s][n] [i][ ][ ][l] the numbers in [\][3] [y][ ] the same place, and they match the ones on the dice net.
You should have a soul box. 26.Unlock the bicycle lock on the skeletons feet. (The code is 3 days before the date when you started playing.) 27.Light the insence on the bottom shelf. 28.Get the beer and put it next to the insence, the the frame, the the C.D, and click on the little stick thing. The skeleton will come alive.
1.Click the small white light switch to turn on the lights.
2. Go to the red shelves and get the card underneasth the slippers.
3.Click under the shelf to get a frame.
4.Go to the pillows and lift up both to get another card.
5.Click on the red blanket to reveal a skeleton.
6. Click around his left hand and he will drop a key.
7.Get the blue tub from his right hand.
8.Pick up the blanket.
9.Go to "About Item" and click on the blanket several times to reveal a green dice net.
10.Go to the large cupboard and open the doors at the bottom.
11.Get the yellow book and take out the photo's.
12.Click on the top shelf, click left to get another card, and right to find some incense.
13.Click to see the crimson room door, and click on the light.
14.Get the card on the far wall and on top of the lamp.
15.Open the fridge, lift the rotten meat and get the card. Leave the beer to cool for now.
16.Go to the bin and get the paper with hair on inside it.
17.Go to "About Item" and look at the hair.
18.Lift up the bin and get the lighter.
19.Look at the hair, click on the lighter and click on the hair over and over until a clear image of dice has appeared, and it won't go any darker.
20.Draw this diagram EXACTLY on some paper.
21.Go back to the red book on the cabinet and open it with the key.
22.Look through until the end of it to find a C.D.
23.Open the C.D case and put the C.D in it.
24.Open the blue tub the skeleton had and look at the paper inside. Copey down the symbols EXACTLY. (Note they are in the same formation as the dice the hair was on.)
25.Compare the two diagrams and make note of chinese symbols that match the numbers. EXAMPLE:
[o][p] [ ][+] The numbers on
[t][y][r][d] [ ][h][k][ ] the right, match
[k][g][s][n] [i][ ][ ][l] the numbers in
[\][3] [y][ ] the same place,
and they match
the ones on the
dice net.
You should have a soul box.
26.Unlock the bicycle lock on the skeletons feet. (The code is 3 days before the date when you started playing.)
27.Light the insence on the bottom shelf.
28.Get the beer and put it next to the insence, the the frame, the the C.D, and click on the little stick thing. The skeleton will come alive.
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